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Your Task

To creat portfolio which has different sections like navbar, header, etc. to showcase your skills to employers whose looking to hire a developer for either a full-time or part-time position. Biulding an impressive portfolio using advance Css and HTML which shows your talent and passion for writting the code.

User Story

AS AN employer
I WANT to view a potential employee's work samples of deployed portfolio 
SO THAT I can check their work samples and assess if they are a good candidate for the open positions

Acceptance Criteria

Requirements necessary to develop a portfolio that a typical hiring manager’s looking in the potential employee:

GIVEN I need to check work samples of a potential employee
WHEN I view their portfolio
THEN I am presented with the potential employee's name, a recent photo or avatar, and links located in navbar which is about them, their work, and how to contact them
WHEN I click one of these links in the navigation bar
THEN the UI scrolls and takes me to the corresponding section
WHEN I click on the link with the title of work
THEN the UI scrolls to a section with titled images of the developer's interest and work
WHEN I am presented with the developer's first application
Then by hovering on each application the imag will enlarge
when I click on each app or project
Then I will be taken to the functional page that app or project deployed 
THEN I am presented with a responsive layout that adapts to my viewport


The following animation shows the web application's appearance and functionality:

portfolio demo


HTML & advance Css


MIT License 2022. All Rights Reserved.


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