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FantasyGold QT Wallet Tutorial

NicoDFS edited this page Jul 17, 2019 · 1 revision

FantasyGold QT Wallet Tutorial

Where to Download

ALWAYS download the FantasyGold wallet from the official Github repository in the releases section.

Download Here:

NEVER download cryptocurrency wallets from unknown sources or 3rd party websites.

After you have downloaded the appropriate wallet for your operating system (Linux, Windows, OSX or Pi) unzip the file and enter the 'bin' folder there you will find the fantasygold-qt file. From here you can move the qt file directly to your desktop or other location if you wish.

Now double click the fantasygold-qt.exe file to start the wallet. If your on Linux open the terminal and run './fantasygold-qt'.

You will be greeted with the "Welcome" screen here you will chose where to install and store the FantasyGold Blockchain.


Next a short loading screen will popup and then a few moments later the FantasyGold-Qt Wallet will open.

The wallet will then look for the hardcoded seed nodes to download and sync with the network


It may take a few seconds or minutes to find the first seed node depending on your internet connection and location. You will then see the "Number of blocks left" countdown until its finished.


My Wallet

This is the FantasyGold wallet “My Wallet” page, it shows the following:


  • Available
  • Pending
  • Total

Other Tokens

If we own any tokens, they'll show here, including balance and contract info.



This shows any transaction that may have taken place, both incoming and outgoing transactions are displayed, this includes staked coins as well.

Basic wallet functions

On the left side of the wallet, we can find basic wallet functionality such as:

  • Send
  • Receive
  • Smart Contract
  • Transactions (This is a more detailed and full historical set of transactions)

Send Menu

On the send menu, we have different functions, all are quite basic to learn and use.


Pay to: Here we’ll enter the address we want to send FantasyGold to (Only FantasyGold ignition addresses will work).

Label: Optional, as it’s stated, it’s just a name/tag

**Amount: **Here we enter the amount of FantasyGold we want to Send

Once all fields are covered, we can click on the “Send” button and the FantasyGold coins will be sent to the address we entered above.


Here we can display our FantasyGold wallet address and even generate new ones!

This is useful for receiving payments from more than one sender and helps you keep track of each transaction.


To obtain the deposit address, simply click on “Request Payment” and you’ll see a popup dialog show up with your FantasyGold wallet deposit address. Here you can receive coins from your exchange or from other users. For this tutorial, we’ll do a test deposit of 100 FGC. You can also request payment for exact amounts and even include a message in the request.

Here you can see we have created an address called "MyAddress" and the popup allows you to copy the "URI", the "QR Image" or the "Address" More info regarding URI requests will be shown later, QR Images are mostly used with mobile wallets and offline point of sale locations.


When someone sends you FGC it will show as "Pending" on the "My Wallet" until the transaction has been confirmed by the network, after a few confirmations those FGC coins will become "Available"


URI Requests and Payments

URI stands for Unique Resource Identifier. Normally we see link formats (URL) like mailto:[email protected]. FantasyGold URI is a payment URI or payment request link. Both FantasyGold URI and QR codes are used to share payment requests. It allows users to send and receive FGC easily just by using the link or scanning the QR code. With this link users can easily send payments to your FantasyGold address.

To open a URI


Here we paste in the URI we received.


Clicking "OK" will load the payment request in the "Send" window and here we can see the label given to the address we are sending to, the amount they requested and a message the sender included.



Here you can see both incoming and outgoing transactions, shows all historical transactions, on the screenshot we have a transaction with a few confirmations. Right clicking the transaction will give us additional options in case we want to see more detials



Wallet Encryption

First, let’s encrypt this wallet before making the backup, this will allow the backup to be encrypted as well. Go to Settings -> Encrypt wallet.


Next, let’s enter the password for this wallet, please remember this password because without it you’ll lose access to your FantasyGold.


After the password is entered and accepted, the wallet will restart and it'll be encrypted.

encrypt encrypt

Wallet Backup

It's recommended to make the backup after encrypting the wallet.


To access the backup option, we go into File/Backup Wallet and then we enter route and name.

After the backup’s name is entered and we’ve verified the route where the wallet is being saved to, we can click on save. Now we’ve successfully backed up our wallet.

Restore wallet backup

With your wallet shut down, open your FantasyGold data directory (the one you choose in the first steps) and paste your backup into the "wallets" folder replacing the wallet.dat file


ProTip - Rename your wallet.dat files to keep track of them, this helps avoid deleting the wrong file


In order for staking to take place we must:

  1. Have a transaction with more than 500 confirmations on the blockchain
  2. Unlock our wallet prior to staking (preferably before reaching 500 confirmations on your inputs).
  3. Keep our wallet open at all times, otherwise even if our coins are matured, they won’t be able to stake.
  4. If can't leave your PC running all the time you can also stake on a VPS or RasspberryPi

Here’s how to unlock the wallet for staking only


Remember to have your wallet open 24/7, if you close it, you won’t be able to stake


Please make sure “for staking only” is selected.