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Famro Fexl edited this page Jan 2, 2025 · 15 revisions
  • Position is a stand-in for a ChunkPos, SectionPos, BlockPos, Vec3i, Vec3, etc.

    Basically, it is anything that stores a coordinate in the Dimension.

  • Dimension/Level is a contiguous region with distinct properties. Some examples include The Overworld, The Nether and The End. In general, prefer the use of Dimension over Level as it isn't ambiguous (see below).

    While the considers the term Level outdated compared to Dimension, it is still regularly in use in the official minecraft mappings and is an acceptable equivalent to Dimension. NEVER use the term Level when referring to a World in Circumnavigate. While the term may be generally considered ambiguous, the official minecraft mappings are consistent in their usage of the word as referring to a Dimension.

  • World is a universe containing multiple Dimensions/Levels.

  • Border is the invisible divider between two sides of a tiled Dimension.

    In the simplest explanation, it is the divider between the North and the South or the East and the West sides of a Minecraft Dimension.

  • Upper/Lower (X/Z) Axis refers to the direction along an axis (and sometimes the axis itself).

  • Bounds is a Position that describes the defined end of an axis in a direction.

    For example, the Bounds of a Upper Axis could be 32 and the Bounds of a Lower Axis could be 16.

    In Circumnavigate, these Bounds are described using ChunkPos Positions.

  • Upper/Lower (X/Z) Bounds refers to the Bounds along an axis (and sometimes the axis itself), with the Lower Bounds always being less than the Upper Bounds.

  • Wrapped Position refers to a Position which is absolute. This Position is valid irrespective if Circumnavigate is active or not. It is called a Wrapped Position because it wraps the Position around the Dimension until it can be contained within the Upper and Lower Bounds.

    In a map editor, this Position will point to the same place.

  • Unwrapped Position refers to a Position which is relative to another Position. This is best explained in Principles under Chunk Wrapping and Coordinate Wrapping

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