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See merge request iek-3/shared-code/fine!313
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kknos committed Jan 23, 2024
2 parents c33d89e + e13d4e1 commit f45fdbe
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Showing 15 changed files with 455 additions and 459 deletions.
30 changes: 0 additions & 30 deletions .gitlab-ci.yml
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,36 +134,6 @@ test-code-push-cache:
# Run only for scheduled pushes to master.
- if: '$CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule" && $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "master"'

extends: .test_template
stage: build
- micromamba env export --no-md5 --no-build -n base > requirements_frozen.yml
# Replace `name: base` with `name: fine_frozen`
- >
sed -ri 's/^(\s*)(name\s*:\s*base\s*$)/\1name: fine_frozen/' requirements_frozen.yml
- micromamba install -n base -y -c conda-forge git
- git config --global "${GITLAB_USER_NAME}"
- git config --global "${GITLAB_USER_EMAIL}"
- git config --global --add /builds/iek-3/shared-code/fine
- git add requirements_frozen.yml
- commit-and-push() {
if ! [[ $(git status) =~ "working tree clean" || $(git status) =~ "nothing added to commit but untracked files present" ]]; then
git commit -m "Update frozen requirements";
git push https://fine:${PROJECT_ACCESS_TOKEN} HEAD:develop -o ci.skip
- commit-and-push

- test-code
- test-notebooks
- test-formatting
- if: $CI_PIPELINE_SOURCE == "schedule"
when: never
- if: $CI_COMMIT_BRANCH == "develop"

extends: .test_docker_template
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fine/aggregations/spatialAggregation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -284,7 +284,7 @@ def perform_parameter_based_grouping(
if aggregation_method == "hierarchical":
model = skc.AgglomerativeClustering(
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion fine/aggregations/technologyAggregation/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -387,7 +387,7 @@ def _preprocess_regional_xr_ds_non_gridded(region):

# Clustering
agg_cluster = AgglomerativeClustering(
n_clusters=n_timeSeries_perRegion, affinity="euclidean", linkage=linkage
n_clusters=n_timeSeries_perRegion, metric="euclidean", linkage=linkage
agglomerative_model =

Expand Down
170 changes: 153 additions & 17 deletions fine/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -650,18 +650,13 @@ def addToEnergySystemModel(self, esM):
esM.componentModelingDict.update({mdl: self.modelingClass()})
esM.componentModelingDict[mdl].componentsDict.update({ self})

def prepareTSAInput(
self, rateFix, rateMax, rateName, rateWeight, weightDict, data, ip
def prepareTSAInput(self, rate, rateName, rateWeight, weightDict, data, ip):
Format the time series data of a component to fit the requirements of the time series aggregation package and
return a list of formatted data.
:param rateFix: a fixed operation time series or None
:type rateFix: Pandas DataFrame or None
:param rateMax: a maximum operation time series or None
:type rateMax: Pandas DataFrame of None
:param rate: a fixed/maximum/minimum operation time series or None
:type rate: Pandas DataFrame or None
:param rateName: name of the time series (to ensure uniqueness if a component has multiple relevant time series)
:type rateName: string
Expand All @@ -681,17 +676,13 @@ def prepareTSAInput(
:return: data
:rtype: Pandas DataFrame
# rateFix/rateMax can be passed as a dict with investment periods
if isinstance(rateFix, dict):
rateFix = rateFix[ip]
if isinstance(rateMax, dict):
rateMax = rateMax[ip]
# rate can be passed as a dict with investment periods
if isinstance(rate, dict):
rate = rate[ip]

data_ = rateFix if rateFix is not None else rateMax
data_ = rate
if data_ is not None:
data_ = data_.copy()
uniqueIdentifiers = [ + rateName + loc for loc in data_.columns]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1163,6 +1154,28 @@ def declareOpConstrSet3(pyM):
pyomo.Set(dimen=3, initialize=declareOpConstrSet3),

def declareOpConstrSet4(self, pyM, constrSetName, rateMin):
Declare set of locations and components for which hasCapacityVariable is set to True and a minimum
operation rate is given.
compDict, abbrvName = self.componentsDict, self.abbrvName
varSet = getattr(pyM, "operationVarSet_" + abbrvName)

def declareOpConstrSet4(pyM):
return (
(loc, compName, ip)
for loc, compName, ip in varSet
if compDict[compName].hasCapacityVariable
and getattr(compDict[compName], rateMin) is not None

constrSetName + "4_" + abbrvName,
pyomo.Set(dimen=3, initialize=declareOpConstrSet4),

def declareOpConstrSetMinPartLoad(self, pyM, constrSetName):
Declare set of locations and components for which partLoadMin is not None.
Expand All @@ -1183,7 +1196,9 @@ def declareOpConstrSetMinPartLoad(pyM):
pyomo.Set(dimen=3, initialize=declareOpConstrSetMinPartLoad),

def declareOperationModeSets(self, pyM, constrSetName, rateMax, rateFix):
def declareOperationModeSets(
self, pyM, constrSetName, rateMax, rateFix, rateMin=None
Declare operating mode sets.
Expand All @@ -1196,12 +1211,18 @@ def declareOperationModeSets(self, pyM, constrSetName, rateMax, rateFix):
:param rateMax: attribute of the considered component which stores the maximum operation rate data.
:type rateMax: string
:param rateMax: attribute of the considered component which stores the minimum operation rate data.
:type rateMax: string
:param rateFix: attribute of the considered component which stores the fixed operation rate data.
:type rateFix: string
self.declareOpConstrSet1(pyM, constrSetName, rateMax, rateFix)
self.declareOpConstrSet2(pyM, constrSetName, rateFix)
self.declareOpConstrSet3(pyM, constrSetName, rateMax)
if rateMin:
self.declareOpConstrSet4(pyM, constrSetName, rateMin)

self.declareOpConstrSetMinPartLoad(pyM, constrSetName)

def declareYearlyFullLoadHoursMinSet(self, pyM):
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2344,6 +2365,121 @@ def op3(pyM, loc, compName, ip, p, t):
pyomo.Constraint(constrSet3, pyM.intraYearTimeSet, rule=op3),

def operationMode4(
Define operation mode 4. The operation [commodityUnit*h] is limited by an installed capacity multiplied
with a time series in:\n
* [commodityUnit*h] (for storages) or in
* [commodityUnit] multiplied by the hours per time step (else).\n
.. math::
op^{comp,opType}_{loc,ip,p,t} = \\tau^{hours} \\cdot \\text{opRateFix}^{comp,opType}_{loc,ip,p,t} \\cdot cap^{comp}_{loc,ip}
:param relevanceThreshold: Force operation parameters to be 0 if values are below the relevance threshold.
|br| * the default value is None
:type relevanceThreshold: float (>=0) or None
# operationRate is the same for all ip
compDict, abbrvName = self.componentsDict, self.abbrvName
opVar = getattr(pyM, opVarName + "_" + abbrvName)
capVar = getattr(pyM, "cap_" + abbrvName)
commisVar = getattr(pyM, "commis_" + abbrvName)
constrSet4 = getattr(pyM, constrSetName + "4_" + abbrvName)

if not pyM.hasSegmentation:
factor = 1 if isStateOfCharge else esM.hoursPerTimeStep
if isOperationCommisYearDepending:

def op4(pyM, loc, compName, commis, ip, p, t):
rate = getattr(compDict[compName], opRateName)[ip]
if relevanceThreshold is not None:
validTreshold = 0 < relevanceThreshold
if validTreshold and (rate[loc][p, t] <= relevanceThreshold):
# operationRate is lower than threshold --> set to 0
return opVar[loc, compName, commis, ip, p, t] == 0
return (
opVar[loc, compName, commis, ip, p, t]
>= commisVar[loc, compName, commis] * rate[loc][p, t] * factor


def op4(pyM, loc, compName, ip, p, t):
rate = getattr(compDict[compName], opRateName)[ip]
if relevanceThreshold is not None:
validTreshold = 0 < relevanceThreshold
if validTreshold and (rate[loc][p, t] <= relevanceThreshold):
# operationRate is lower than threshold --> set to 0
return opVar[loc, compName, ip, p, t] == 0
return (
opVar[loc, compName, ip, p, t]
>= capVar[loc, compName, ip] * rate[loc][p, t] * factor

constrName + "4_" + abbrvName,
pyomo.Constraint(constrSet4, pyM.intraYearTimeSet, rule=op4),
if isOperationCommisYearDepending:

def op4(pyM, loc, compName, commis, ip, p, t):
factor = (
(esM.hoursPerSegment[ip] / esM.hoursPerSegment[ip]).to_dict()
if isStateOfCharge
else esM.hoursPerSegment[ip].to_dict()
rate = getattr(compDict[compName], opRateName)[ip]
if relevanceThreshold is not None:
validTreshold = 0 < relevanceThreshold
if validTreshold and (rate[loc][p, t] <= relevanceThreshold):
# operationRate is lower than threshold --> set to 0
return opVar[loc, compName, commis, ip, p, t] == 0
return (
opVar[loc, compName, commis, ip, p, t]
>= commisVar[loc, compName, commis]
* rate[loc][p, t]
* factor[p, t]
) # rate and factor independent from ip


def op4(pyM, loc, compName, ip, p, t):
factor = (
(esM.hoursPerSegment[ip] / esM.hoursPerSegment[ip]).to_dict()
if isStateOfCharge
else esM.hoursPerSegment[ip].to_dict()
rate = getattr(compDict[compName], opRateName)[ip]
if relevanceThreshold is not None:
validTreshold = 0 < relevanceThreshold
if validTreshold and (rate[loc][p, t] <= relevanceThreshold):
# operationRate is lower than threshold --> set to 0
return opVar[loc, compName, ip, p, t] == 0
return (
opVar[loc, compName, ip, p, t]
>= capVar[loc, compName, ip] * rate[loc][p, t] * factor[p, t]
) # rate and factor independent from ip

constrName + "4_" + abbrvName,
pyomo.Constraint(constrSet4, pyM.intraYearTimeSet, rule=op4),

def additionalMinPartLoad(
Expand Down

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