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ChRIS project landing page and documentation website.


The source code of this repository is built automatically by GitHub Actions and deployed to GitHub Pages.

Most pages are just Markdown files, so it should be easy enough to contribute.

Suggested reading on how to create blog posts:

Editing Pages on

Markdown pages can be edited by clicking "Edit this page" on the page itself, then "Edit this file" on

When creating a new page on, be sure to follow the naming conventions.

Local Development

Install pnpm, then run

# install dependencies
pnpm i

# start development server
pnpm start

Husky is used to enforce lint on commit. You can run these checks manually, and fix some of the errors:

# show lint and formatting issues
pnpm run fix

# automatically format the code
pnpm run fmt

# automatically fix some issues
pnpm run fix

# automatically fix more issues, but with ¡danger!
pnpm run fix:unsafe

Pages Organization

This table guides you on where to put your documentation.

Directory Name Description
src/pages/ (none) Landing page and other high-visibility pages.
docs/ Documentation High quality documentation intended for the public.
docs/internal/ Internal Documentation Notes and low quality documentation which are relevant only to the ChRIS core development group.
blog/ Blog High quality write-ups about milestones or technical challenges and solutions.
meeting_minutes/ Meeting Minutes Low quality notes about meetings and progress updates.
ChRISalis/ ChRISalis Blog for the ChRIS learning seminar. Contains links, slides, and meeting recordings.

Static Assets

Small images and other media can be uploaded to Git in the static/ directory. Optionally, large assets such as PDFs, PPTX, ... can be hosted on NERC OpenStack Swift Object Storage.

The instructions on how to do so are found here. If you don't have an account, or are too lazy to figure this out, message Jennings and he will handle it for you.