- Add authorization logic (e.g. for Stripe)
- Custom table name
This package will be used by all FAAREN Services which receive webhooks. It provides a basic structure to handle incoming webhooks.
With this package you can simply define new endpoints for webhooks. Those webhooks will be stored within a database. Via a simple HandlerInterface you can define custom handlers for each of your endpoints.
This package also offers a basic CRUD functionality to interact with your stored webhooks via the Webhook
Call the following command:
composer require faaren-tech/webhook-receiver
The package is tested only for Laravel 8.x.
Publish the relevant configuration file via (select the WebhookReceiverServiceProvider from the shown list):
php artisan vendor:publish
- You can customize the middleware separately for webhook endpoints and crud-routes.
- You can customize the prefix for both the webhook endpoints and the crud-routes.
It is very easy to add new endpoints to your application.
- Create a new webhook handler, e.g.
- Implement
- Add the endpoint to your
configuration file (see below) - Set up your new endpoint within your webhook sender (e.g. MailJet, Stripe, etc) for the endpoint
return [
// other configuration options
'endpoints' => [
'my-example-endpoint' => MyExampleWebhookHandler::class
If you want you can take a look at the following files:
- ExampleRequests: Some simple examples. Can be executed directly from your favorite IDE (PhpStorm ;-))
- ExampleHandler: a example implementation
Add the relevant testsuite to your main phpunit.xml:
<testsuite name="FaarenTechWebhookReceiver">
<directory suffix="Test.php">./vendor/faaren-tech/webhook-receiver</directory>