Name: Evan casey
[List the Web API's endpoints and state the purpose of each one. Indicate those that require authentication.]
- GET /api/movies (Auth) - Get all movies.
- GET /api/movies/:id (Auth) - get the details of a specific movie.
- GET /api/genres/ - get all genres.
- GET /api/actors (Auth) - Get all actors.
- GET /api/actors/:id (Auth) - get the details of a specific actor.
- GET /api/shows (Auth) - Get all shows.
- GET /api/shows/:id (Auth) - get the details of a specific show.
- GET /api/upcoming (Auth) - Get all upcoming movies.
- GET /api/upcoming/:id (Auth) - get the details of a specific upcoming movie.
- POST /api/reviews/:username/movie/:id/reviews - Add a review for a movie.
- GET /api/users - Get all users.
- POST /api/users?action=action - Register or authenticate a user - set action to register or login.
- POST /api/users/:username/favourites (Auth) - add a favourite to user account.
- DELETE /api/users/:username/favourites (Auth) - remove a favourite from user account.
- GET /api/users/:username/favourites (Auth) - Get all user favourites.
[In this section, include a listing of the response from running your tests locally (npm run test). Simply copy the output from your terminal and paste it into a fenced block (the triple tilda markup, i.e. ~~~ ), as shown below - do not use a screenshot.]
Shows endpoint
GET /api/shows
database connected to test on
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (236ms)
√ should return 20 shows and a status 200 (156ms)
GET /api/shows/:id
when the id is valid
√ should return the matching show
when the id is invalid
√ should return the NOT found message (112ms)
Reviews endpoint
POST /api/shows
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (232ms)
√ Should add a review and return a status of 201 (50ms)
Actors endpoint
GET /api/actors
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (235ms)
√ should return 20 actors and a status 200 (171ms)
GET /api/actors/:id
when the id is valid
√ should return the matching actor
when the id is invalid
√ should return the NOT found message (56ms)
Upcoming movies endpoint
GET /api/upcoming
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (231ms)
√ should return 20 upcoming movies and a status 200 (45ms)
GET /api/upcoming/:id
when the id is valid
√ should return the matching upcoming movie
when the id is invalid
√ should return the NOT found message
Genres endpoint
GET /api/genres
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (232ms)
√ should return 4 genres and a status 200
Users endpoint
POST /api/:username/favourites
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (233ms)
√ Should add a favourite and return a status of 201 (87ms)
DELETE /api/:username/favourites
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (231ms)
√ Should remove a favourite and return a status of 201 (87ms)
GET /api/:username/favourites
√ should return a 200 status and a generated token (234ms)
√ should return user favourites and a status 200
22 passing (12s)
State the options from the Excellent grade band you attempted.
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