A online PvP bomberguy gamemode for Noita
This is a bomberman clone written for Noita using my Noita Online framework.
It requires Noita Online to function.
It also requires Noita Beta branch.
- Lobby settings for map size, powerups percentage, etc.
- 7 powerups.
- Top down perspective.
- what else is there to say, it is bomberman.
If you want to give feedback join the discord
You can support my work @https://ko-fi.com/evaisa
- Dextercd - for helping me implement lots of Noita Online stuff.
- Spoopy - For making a few of the sprites.
- PirateSee - For making the top down minä spritesheet.
- Noita Community - for being fucking awesome
If I forgot to mention someone please hit me up.