The modality called known distribution is built starting from the de novo mode of CAMISIM. In the known distribution modality, as well as in all the other already available modalities in CAMISIM, new strains can be generated through sgEvolver.
What this new modality does differently is the community design step, which, in this case, is based on a distribution given, in input, by the user, and not randomly generated from a log-normal distribution (that is what happens in the four original modalities of CAMISIM).
Once the new strains are generated, this new modality will distribute the relative abundances of each "original" genome to all its simulated strains. An example of this process can be found here.
In this repository you can find the new version of the CAMISIM tool, in which the above-described extra modality in the de novo mode is implemented. A Snakefile is presented, too; it allows to define a simple pipeline which was used for Antimicrobial Resistance (AMR) studies, for the synthetic data generation step.
The combination of these two pieces of scripts forms the MetaGeSim-AMR tool, a MetaGenomic Simulation tool suited for AMR studies.
For the installation, you may simply launch the following command:
git clone
In this way, both the new version of CAMISIM and the Snakemake pipeline, which compose the MetaGeSim-AMR tool, will be installed.
In order to properly work, the MetaGeSim-AMR tool needs some dependencies to be installed. The list of dependencies for CAMISIM can be found here.
To be more precise, the conda-installable dependencies (BIOM, Biopython,
Numpy, Matplotlib) are not required to be manually installed by the user when working with the Snakemake pipeline, since a
conda environment is internally set up when launching the pipeline; the characteristics of the environment can be found in camisim_env.yaml.
All the other dependencies (Perl 5, wgsim, NanoSim, PBsim, SAMtools 1.0) may be installed following the instructions presented in each site.
To use the Snakemake pipeline also Snakemake must be installed.
A complete documentation for the original CAMISIM tool can be found here.
The following sections will be about the new known distribution modality, together with its features and options, and the Snakemake pipeline.
The MetaGeSim-AMR tool allows to generate metagenomic synthetic data starting from just two input files (input.tsv
and input.json
In order to this, the Snakemake pipeline must be used (see here for further details).
On the other hand, the new modality of CAMISIM (known distribution) may be used also outside the Snakemake pipeline, but in that case an extra input file (described here) and three new parameters in the configuration file (described here) are required.
An in-depth description is proposed in the following sections.
The known distribution modality is a solution to the lack of a metagenomic simulation framework when having both the a priori known distribution of the microbial population, and the need of simulating (synthetic) strains.
It is worth pointing out that the original version of CAMISIM may work in two different modes, the so-called from profile and de novo. In the from profile mode, the user gives in input a file with the population distribution, but no strain is generated during the simulation; on the other hand, the de novo mode is based on the creation of new strains (through a tool called sgEvolver), but the population distribution is randomly generated starting from a log-normal distribution (further details may be found here).
Thus, the known distribution modality proposes a way to combine these two different approaches.
The known distribution modality is a (sub-)mode of the de novo one. The idea behind it is just to change the way in which the population distribution is generated. The four original modalities of CAMISIM in the de novo mode are differential, replicates, timeseries normal, and timeseries lognormal. It is worth mentioning that they are all based on the log-normal distribution and they only affect the simulation of the population distribution for different samples. This means that the user cannot see the difference among those four modalities by just looking at the results of the distribution of one sample (as described here).
On the other hand, the known distribution modality works differently since the simulation of the population distribution does not start with a sampling from the log-normal distribution; instead, it starts from the given relative abundances of the input genomes and then manipulates them through the broken stick model.
The idea behind the broken stick model is to divide the given input abundance of each genome among its generated strains. This distribution of the original abundance among strains is based on the Beta distribution and it is further analysed here.
As already said, in order to work with this new modality CAMISIM needs a new input file and some changes in the configuration file. The next sections will delve into their description.
The new input file must be a tsv file with no header and two columns: the first one with the genome_ID used in the other input files required by CAMISIM
and genome_to_id.tsv
); the second one with the relative abundance of each original genome.
The configuration file's parameter num_real_genomes
must of course be set to a number equal to or smaller than the number of genomes that are available in input.
In the second case, the abundance.tsv
file can be filled in two different ways:
The user can only list the genomes of interest, with their relative abundance, omitting all the other genomes;
The user can list all the genomes given in input (whose genome's file is inside the
folder, I will come back later on this point); in this case, all the genomes the user does not want to use during the simulation must be put at the bottom of the list and their relative abundance should be set to 0.
A clarification on point 2 should be highlighted: if the sum of the abundances of the considered genomes does not equal 1, the simulation will not stop and no error will emerge. This is consistent with the original de novo modality: the relative abundances of each genome and each strain is always re-normalised so that their sum will be equal to 1. As a result, also in the case in which the abundances given in input are not normalised to 1, the output ones will; in this way, the relative proportions among genomes will be preserved.
Once the abundance.tsv
file is created, a new parameter must be considered in the configuration file, so that CAMISIM will access the file. This new parameter (as well as other two, related to the
mathematical simulation) will be described in the next section.
The new version of the configuration file differs from the original one because of the presence of three new parameters: path_to_abundance_file
, equally_distributed_strains
, and input_genomes_to_zero
Let's see their definitions:
should be set equal to the absolute path of the above-mentionedabundance.tsv
file; -
is a boolean parameter that allows to decide if the number of simulated strains is equally distributed among the starting genomes. This means that, at the end, all the considered input genomes will have the same amount of simulated strains. If, for instance, 3 genomes are given in input and the required final amount of genomes is set to 15, 12 strains will be generated, 4 from each of the 3 original genomes (ifequally_distributed_strains = True
); -
is a boolean parameter used inside the function implementing the broken stick model. It is used to decide if the relative abundances of the input genomes will be totally re-distributed among their strains (input_genomes_to_zero = True
) or not (input_genomes_to_zero = False
Outside the known distribution modality, the abundance.tsv
file is not required, hence the user can just leave the associated parameter blank.
On the other hand, equally_distributed_strains
and input_genomes_to_zero
cannot be left empty, in line with the other parameters of the same section ([communityk]
, where k
is an integer identifying
the community) of the configuration file.
It is worth pointing out that equally_distributed_strains
affects not only the known distribution modality but also the original ones.
An example of the configuration file may be found here.
In the last sections, the new known distribution modality was described. The MetaGeSim-AMR tool is composed also of a basic Snakemake pipeline, whose aim is to connect the known distribution modality to
another script ( which allows the user to speed up and
simplify the input file preparation for the above-mentioned modality. This script takes two input files (input.tsv
and input.json) containing all the information needed to build not only the above-defined abundance.tsv
, but
also the metadata.tsv
, genome_to_id.tsv
, and config.ini
files (see here for more details on such files).
Moreover, further input information associated to the studied genomes, such as its genome length or its resistance or susceptability for a given antibiotic, is required, not by CAMISIM, but by the
script. In fact, all this information will be collected in an output file (genomes_info.json
), which in turn will be ultimately used for AMR studies
(but this does not concern the MetaGeSim-AMR tool). All these additional data are collected in the input.tsv
file; instead, the input.json
file gathers eight parameters of the configuration file.
The Snakemake pipeline is composed of two rules (defined in the Snakefile): one calling the metagenomic simulation performed by
CAMISIM (in the known distribution modality), one calling the
script, if the CAMISIM configuration file does not exist.
Hence, to use the Snakemake pipeline, and so the entire MetaGeSim-AMR tool, the following command should be used:
snakemake -cT path_to_population/.../out --use-conda
where out/
is the directory of the CAMISIM output the user wants to create, while path_to_population/.../
is the path to the folder containing the two input files and -cT
is the (mandatory) flag,
through which the user chooses the maximum number of threads T
. It is worth mentioning that T
should be set equal to the maximum number of processors chosen in the input.json
file (where it is
specified through max_processor
To check if the MetaGeSim-AMR tool works properly, a test run can be launched with the following command:
snakemake -c8 scripts/tests/input_population/out --use-conda
In case the user only wants to use the CAMISIM part (with its input files already written), he/she can choose to use the command above (where only the rule camisim
will be called) or the following one:
python path_to_config/.../config.ini
but, of course, also in this case the previously mentioned requirements and dependencies must be satisfied.
Notice that only in the MetaGeSim-AMR tool the CAMISIM input files' names need to be standardised to abundance.tsv
, metadata.tsv
, genome_to_id.tsv
, and config.ini
, for the sake of simplicity.
The new functions defined in the scripts
, and
have been tested through pytest
. The file containing the test functions
( can be found in the scripts/tests/
folder. In the same folder, all the files related to the input
population used for testing are collected inside input_population/
. There, the genomes/
folder containing three fasta files as well as the input.json
and input.tsv
files may be found.
Following, two sections intend to clarify two important aspects of the known distribution modality: the way abundances are distributed among strains and the correct way to write the configuration file.
Suppose to start the known distribution modality simulation with 3 input genomes and the following abundance.tsv
E.coli 0.5
S.aureus 0.3
S.pneumoniae 0.2
Suppose also to require 9 final genomes, so that 6 new strains will be generated from E.coli
, S.aureus
and S.pneumoniae
. Notice that the starting genome for the simulation of these 6 new
strains is strongly affected by the equally_distributed_strains
parameter, as described in previous sections. For simplicity, let's assume equally_distributed_strains = True
Of course, the output population distribution depends also on the input_genomes_to_zero
parameter; let's say it is set to True
, so that the final distribution may be something like:
E.coli 0.0
S.aureus 0.0
S.pneumoniae 0.0
simulated_E.coli.Taxon001 0.00116754672179425
simulated_E.coli.Taxon012 0.49883245327820575
simulated_S.aureus.Taxon007 0.14732330794473567
simulated_S.aureus.Taxon032 0.15267669205526433
simulated_S.pneumoniae.Taxon024 0.04000494716269476
simulated_S.pneumoniae.Taxon017 0.15999505283730524
Notice that the sum of the abundances of the same genome's strains is equal to the original genome's abundance.
The relative abundance of each strain is generated through the Broken_stick_model
function implemented in the
script. The idea is to divide the original abundance in
sticks, whose lengths depend on a Beta distribution sampling (with parameter a = 1
and b = 3
). The following image shows the Beta distribution (asymmetric) behaviour for those parameters:
This asymmetry is compatible with what is biologically expected for the distribution of strains.
Once the sampling is performed, an array of Beta-distributed numbers is obtained. This array is then used to get the sticks' lengths, i.e. the relative abundances of the strains. To do so, the k - element of the list of abundances is evaluated as the result of the cumulative product of the previously obtained k-1 abundances (starting with 0 - element being equal to the first Beta-distributed number).
Here, an example of configuration file is proposed. Starting from the following settings, a simulation in the known distribution modality will be launched.
seed = 42
phase =
max_processor = 8
dataset_id = RL
output_directory = path_to_population/out
temp_directory = /tmp
gsa = False
pooled_gsa = False
anonymous = True
compress = 1
readsim = MetaGeSim-AMR/tools/art_illumina-2.3.6/art_illumina
error_profiles = MetaGeSim-AMR/tools/art_illumina-2.3.6/profiles
samtools = MetaGeSim-AMR/tools/samtools-1.3/samtools
profile = mbarc
size = 0.1
type = art
fragments_size_mean = 270
fragment_size_standard_deviation = 27
ncbi_taxdump = MetaGeSim-AMR/tools/ncbi-taxonomy_20170222.tar.gz
strain_simulation_template = MetaGeSim-AMR/scripts/StrainSimulationWrapper/sgEvolver/simulation_dir
number_of_samples = 3
metadata = path_to_population/.../metadata.tsv
id_to_genome_file = path_to_population/...//genome_to_id.tsv
id_to_gff_file =
path_to_abundance_file = path_to_population/.../abundance.tsv
genomes_total = 15
num_real_genomes = 3
max_strains_per_otu = 1
ratio = 1
equally_distributed_strains = True
input_genomes_to_zero = True
mode = known_distribution
log_mu = 1
log_sigma = 2
gauss_mu = 1
gauss_sigma = 1
view = False
In this last section, a list of the new implemented functions and where to find them is shown.
In the scripts/PopulationDistribution/
def Broken_stick_model (...):
def distribute_abundance_to_strains (...):
def get_lists_of_distributions (...):
This function has been partially modified to include the previous ones
In the scripts/InputFilePreparation/
def amr_pipeline (...):
This function collects the 9 (new) functions defined in the same script
In the scripts/ComunityDesign/
and in the scripts/StrainSelector/
scripts, two functions have been partially modified:
def design_samples (...):
def draw_strains (...):
All the functions are properly explained through a comment when their definition is implemented.
A few minor changes have been written in some other functions, without affecting them: the goal was to present a tool consistent with the original one (CAMISIM), enriching it with a new framework, but also preserving it.
[1] Fritz, A. Hofmann, P. et al, CAMISIM: Simulating metagenomes and microbial communities, Microbiome, 2019, 7:17, doi: 10.1186/s40168-019-0633-6, github: CAMI-challenge/CAMISIM
[2] National Center for Biotechnology Information, NCBI, site:
[3] Pathosystems Resource Integration Center, PATRIC, site:
[4] Bacterial and Viral Bioinformatics Resource Center, BV-BRC, site: (Starting September 14, 2022, the PATRIC website will automatically redirect to the new BV-BRC website)