I wanted to code a program which create stats for pre-rolled characters for rpg "Call of Cthulhu". I needed a library that can simulate and give result of a roll of multiple dice (sometimes with a different number of sides). So I created this library, to make these rolls.
composer require ethtezahl/dice-roller
The code above will simulate the roll of two six-sided die
// First: import needed class
use Ethtezahl\DiceRoller\CupFactory;
// Factory allow us to create dice cup.
$factory = new CupFactory();
// We create the cup that will contain the two die:
$cup = $factory->newInstance('2D6');
// Display the result:
echo $cup->roll();
Imagine you need to roll three twenty-sided die and one four-sided dice:
$cup = $factory->newInstance('3D20+D4');