This project involves the creation of an interactive dashboard for Amazon's sales and operational data. The dashboard provides insights into various key performance indicators (KPIs) such as total revenue, total profit, total orders, total products, and average ratings. Additionally, it includes visualizations for total revenue by date, top subcategories by revenue, groupwise delivery of products, and a geographic distribution of total revenue.
- Total Revenue, Profit, Orders, Products, and Ratings: Display of key metrics at a glance.
- Total Revenue by Date: Line chart showing the trend of total revenue over the years.
- Top 5 Subcategories by Revenue: Bar chart highlighting the revenue generated by the top five product subcategories.
- Groupwise Delivery of Products: Bar chart showing the count of products delivered within different time ranges.
- Geographic Distribution of Total Revenue: Map visualization indicating the total revenue generated from different locations.
The data used in this dashboard was thoroughly cleaned to ensure accuracy and consistency. Key steps involved in data preparation include:
- Handling missing values.
- Standardizing data formats.
- Creating an auto date table to facilitate time-based analysis.
- Power BI: Used for creating the interactive dashboard.
- Data Cleaning Tools: Data was cleaned and processed using tools within Power BI.