Pcynlitx is an innovative integrated development environment which is specialized for multithread application development. Basically, Pcynlitx is an open source meta-program which produces a class library for C++ multi-thread programming and the outcome of the Pcynlitx acts as an autonomous management system for the thread synchronization tasks. In fact, pcynlitx is a typical implementation of a new meta programming technology and offers completely new programming paradigm. From the documentation section of the project web site, you can learn why a new programming approach is necessary and the scientific introduction of this new programming paradigm. With the help of this new metaprogramming technology, you can control the threads with their particular numbers which is given by you. For more information, please visit the web site of the project web site.
Project web site: www.pcynlitx.com
Pcynlitx has been developed by Erkam Murat Bozkurt as a result of the scientific research study which has been carried out about meta-programming. Erkam Murat Bozkurt is a research engineer in Istanbul/Turkey. You can reach to the developer of the platform by means of the e-mail addresses given in below.
The copyright of the Pcynlitx sofware has been registered to US copyright office and the sofware is ready to use. Pcynlitx has been licenced with GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version.