This project is a crowdfunding service that aims to enable anyone to raise enough money needed for a project. The project can be a direct donation to a charity, an academic or business plan, or anything else the creator can convince people to part with their hard-earned ERG for.
Download and install the appropriate OpenJDK binaries.
Install sbt 1.2.7 (manual)
Build raffle-backend
$ clone
$ cd raffle-backend
$ sbt assembly
Set the configs and update the keys. An example is available (here) .
Run the raffle-backend
$ java -Dconfig.file=path/to/config -jar ErgoRaffle-<ERGO_RAFFLE_VERSION>.jar
Also the raffle-frontend
instructions is (here)
To use docker, follow instructions: Build a docker image:
docker build -t raffle-backend:latest .
Then run the raffle-backend with the help of the built docker image:
$ mkdir /desired/path/db
$ chown -R 9052:9052 /desired/path/db
$ docker run -p 8080:8080 \
--restart=always \
-v /desired/path/configFile.conf:/home/ergo/raffle/application.conf \
-v /desired/path/db:/home/ergo/data/ \
-d raffle-backend:latest
The raffle is up and running on port 8080.