Project description
Server API: /api/rentals Supports GET and DELETE with an id paramater, ?id={number} To POST header should have Content-Type header of applicatio/json and no parameters. An id will be generated, but boody must contain all other fields in JSON format. PUT requires id parameter and same Content-Type header of applicatiob/json. The body must contain all updates to be made in JSON format.
Original schema: _id: Number, price: Number, max_guests: Number, reviews: { numReviews: Number, avgStars: Number }, fees: { cleaning_fee: Number, service_fee: Number, occupancy_fee: Number }, availability: array of strings of mm/mm/yyyy dates
An nvmrc
file is included if using nvm.
- Node 6.13.0
- etc
From within the root directory:
npm install
npm run makeCSVData to generate CSV data files.
Install Postgres Create database "Availability" Rename or copy /server/db/dbconfig.example.js to remove "example" and put in your database connection setting. Make sure there is superuser access for setup. uncomment "// db.connection.sync();" in models.js node model.js This sets up tables in postgres Availability database Comment the line back out.
Open file dataToFile.js Uncomment the functions under the label "for Postgres:" npm run makeCSVData Comment them back out for safety, or not.
Use postgres shell command line for the following to load tables: -copy dates from 'PATH_TO_FILE/dates.csv' delimiter ',' csv header; -copy rentals from 'PATH_TO_FILE/rentals.csv' delimiter ',' csv header; -copy rentals_dates from 'PATH_TO_FILE/rentals_dates.csv' delimiter ',' csv header; -CREATE INDEX idx_rentals_id on rentals_dates("rentalId");