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Enso Shortcuts Contracts


Developer docs


Shortcuts contracts allow users to cheaply and deterministically deploy wallets capable of running Enso Shortcuts. By using a beacon proxy pattern, user wallets can be automatically upgraded to the most recent version of the Enso Wallet contract.


├─ EnsoWallet - "Wallet implementation that supports Enso shortcuts"
├─ EnsoWalletFactory - "Factory for deploying Enso wallets"
├─ EnsoBeacon - "Provides the current Enso wallet implementation to wallet proxies"
├─ access
│  ├─ AccessController - "Gives a contract the ability to allow/restrict access to certain roles"
│  ├─ ACL - "Used to check if a caller has been given a role and can call functions restricted by role"
│  ├─ Ownable - "Contract to enable 2-step transfer of ownership"
│  ├─ Roles - "Roles used by contracts"
│  ├─ Timelock - "Time restrict functions with a delay"
├─ deployer
│  ├─ FactoryDeployer - "Contract for deploying and initializing the factory"
├─ libraries
│  ├─ BeaconClones - "Library for cheaply deploying a proxy with a hardcoded beacon that provides the most recent implementation"
│  ├─ StorageAPI - "Library for getting and setting state using bytes32 slots"
├─ proxy
│  ├─ BeaconProxyTemplate - "Contract for generating the bytecode used by the BeaconClones library"
│  ├─ UpgradeableProxy - "Simple proxy with implementation set in state. All upgrades are handled by a UUPS implementation"
├─ wallet
│  ├─ ERC1271 - "Support ERC1271 off-chain signing. Imported by EnsoWallet"
│  ├─ MinimalWallet - "Set of functions for withdrawing tokens and revoking allowances. Imported by EnsoWallet"


Before installation you need to have a .env file with following variables:


To install all dependencies run:



To run tests:

yarn test

Test can use deployments as a fixture. Check the function setup in the test/utils/index.ts directory.


This repo uses hardhat-deploy to create deploy scripts in the deploy directory.

Example of a deployment script:

import {HardhatRuntimeEnvironment} from 'hardhat/types';
import {DeployFunction} from 'hardhat-deploy/types';

const func: DeployFunction = async function (hre: HardhatRuntimeEnvironment) {
  const {deployments, getNamedAccounts} = hre;

  const {deterministic, deploy} = deployments;

  const {deploy: deployEnsoWalletFactory} = await deterministic('EnsoWalletFactory', {
    from: deployer,
    args: [EnsoBeaconAddress],
    log: true,
    autoMine: true,
    skipIfAlreadyDeployed: true,

  await deployEnsoWalletFactory();
export default func;

func.tags = ['EnsoWalletFactory'];

Deployments summary for each network are in the deployments directory.

Test deployment scripts

To check if deployment scripts are valid run:

yarn void:deploy

To check how deployment scripts will behave on live network run:

yarn fork:deploy <network name>[hardhat|localhost|mainnet]


yarn deploy <network name>[hardhat|localhost|mainnet]

Verify contracts

To verify all contracts on Etherscan run:

yarn verify