Releases: EngoEngine/ecs
Releases · EngoEngine/ecs
ecs v1.0.5
*Moved BasicFace to outside the tests so it's accessible without having end users implement it themselves.
*Migrated to Github Actions
*Now supports multiple interface filters, rather than just single interfaces.
*Can update the priority on the fly and call a method to update it, instead of going by a static number when the system is first added and never changed again.
ecs v1.0.4
- Added ability to get all Descendents in a BasicEntity's tree.
eco v1.0.3
- Changed the import path from "" to ""
ecs v1.0.2
Basic Entities now are able to append children to them, so systems can look at Parent/Child relationships of basic entities to determine what to do with them.
ecs v1.0.1
Release with semantic versioning so it can be used with go modules