Project Description: User Management and Task Tracking Application
This project is a User Management and Task Tracking Application designed with a focus on Clean Architecture. The application features a responsive frontend built with React, Vite, Redux Toolkit Query (RTK Query), and Ant Design, ensuring a modern and intuitive user interface. The backend is developed using .NET, employing best practices in Clean Architecture to maintain a clear separation of concerns and scalability.
Frontend Technologies:
• React: A JavaScript library for building user interfaces.
• Vite: A fast build tool and development server for modern web projects.
• Redux Toolkit Query (RTK Query): A powerful data fetching and caching tool.
• Ant Design: A popular React UI framework for creating elegant and responsive user interfaces.
• React Router: For managing navigation and routing in the application.
Backend Technologies:
• .NET: A versatile framework for building web applications and APIs.
• Clean Architecture: Employed to ensure a clear separation of concerns, making the application scalable and maintainable.
• API Key Authentication: Used for securing API endpoints, ensuring only authorized access to the application’s resources.
• User Management:
• List, create, and delete users.
• Detailed view of user information.
• Task Management:
• List and create tasks associated with users.
• Responsive Design:
• Adapts to different screen sizes, displaying horizontally on larger screens and vertically on mobile devices.
The application integrates seamlessly with the backend, using API Key authentication to secure endpoints and ensure data integrity.