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Transactional Data Engineer Test (docebo)

How to reproduce

First, clone the repository

git clone

cd into it

cd docebo-test

Before spawning the containers, make sure you don't have any service listening at port 3306, e.g. sudo /etc/init.d/mysql stop.

Additionally, make sure to copy into the root folder of the cloned repository the .env file provided by email.

Deploy the containers (not in daemon mode in order for logs to be visible):

docker-compose up

open a new shell and log into MySQL db (use the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD specified in the .env file)

docker exec -it docebo-test-db-1 mysql -uroot -p

select the relevant database

use docebo

and test the queries provided in the 2nd part.

1st part - Ingest data into a relational database from JSON files

Use of a Python-based ingestion layer to

  • dowonlad the data
  • clean it using the provided info in the metadata (drop columns with id = -1)
  • use an ORM (SQLAlchemy) to create and populate a table named AirQuality
  • containerize application and use docker-compose to make it reproducible

2nd part - Answer some questions using SQL

1. Sum value of "Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard" per year

select ReportYear, sum(Value) as value
from AirQuality
where MeasureName='Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard'
group by ReportYear;
| ReportYear | value |
|       1999 | 12501 |
|       2003 |  6442 |
|       2000 |  7780 |
|       2004 |  3428 |
|       2010 |  2514 |
|       2001 |  8402 |
|       2002 | 12142 |
|       2005 |  7057 |
|       2006 |  5343 |
|       2007 |  6044 |
|       2008 |  3181 |
|       2009 |  1497 |
|       2011 |  3173 |
|       2012 |  4233 |
|       2013 |  1186 |

2. Year with max value of "Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard" from year 2008 and later (inclusive)

with max_per_year as (
    select ReportYear, MAX(Value) as max_value, dense_rank() over (order by MAX(Value) desc) as DR
    from AirQuality
    where MeasureName='Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard'
    and ReportYear >= 2008
      group by ReportYear
select ReportYear
from max_per_year
where DR=1;
|       2008 |

3. Max value of each measurement per state

select MeasureName, StateName, MAX(Value) max_value
from AirQuality
group by MeasureName, StateName
order by 1;

output truncated to first 10 rows

| MeasureName                                                                                                                                                | StateName            | max_value |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Alabama              |        21 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Arizona              |        12 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Arkansas             |        16 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | California           |        30 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Colorado             |        12 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Connecticut          |        17 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Delaware             |        18 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | District of Columbia |        18 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Florida              |        14 |
| Annual average ambient concentrations of PM 2.5 in micrograms per cubic meter, based on seasonal averages and daily measurement (monitor and modeled data) | Georgia              |        19 |

4. Average value of "Number of person-days with PM2.5 over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (monitor and modeled data)" per year and state in ascending order

select ReportYear, StateName, AVG(Value) avg_value
from AirQuality
where MeasureName='Number of person-days with PM2.5 over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard (monitor and modeled data)'
group by ReportYear, StateName
order by 3;

output truncated to first 10 rows

| ReportYear | StateName    | avg_value |
|       2008 | Nebraska     |    0.0000 |
|       2008 | Colorado     |    0.0000 |
|       2009 | Oklahoma     |    0.0000 |
|       2008 | Rhode Island |    0.0000 |
|       2009 | Rhode Island |    0.0000 |
|       2011 | Nebraska     |    0.0000 |
|       2011 | Delaware     |    0.0000 |
|       2010 | Mississippi  |    0.0000 |
|       2011 | Mississippi  |    0.0000 |
|       2008 | Oklahoma     |    0.0000 |

5. State with the max accumulated value of "Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard" overall years

with dr as (
    select StateName,
           SUM(Value)                                   sum_value,
           DENSE_RANK() over (order by SUM(Value) desc) DR
    from AirQuality
    where MeasureName =
          'Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard'
    group by StateName
select StateName
from dr
where DR = 1;
| StateName  |
| California |

6. Average value of "Number of person-days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard" in the state of Florida

select AVG(Value) avg_value
from AirQuality
where MeasureName =
          'Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard'
and StateName='Florida'
group by StateName;
| avg_value |
|    3.0700 |

7. County with min "Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard" per state per year

with min_count_per_state as (
    select CountyName, StateName, ReportYear, MIN(Value) min_val, DENSE_RANK() over (partition by StateName, ReportYear order by MIN(Value)) DR
    from AirQuality
    where MeasureName =
              'Number of days with maximum 8-hour average ozone concentration over the National Ambient Air Quality Standard'
    group by StateName, CountyName, ReportYear
select CountyName, StateName, ReportYear, min_val
from min_count_per_state
where DR=1;

output truncated to first 10 rows

| CountyName | StateName | ReportYear | min_val |
| Sumter     | Alabama   |       1999 |       3 |
| Sumter     | Alabama   |       2000 |       5 |
| Lawrence   | Alabama   |       2001 |       1 |
| Sumter     | Alabama   |       2001 |       1 |
| Baldwin    | Alabama   |       2002 |       0 |
| Montgomery | Alabama   |       2003 |       0 |
| Russell    | Alabama   |       2003 |       0 |
| Sumter     | Alabama   |       2003 |       0 |
| Colbert    | Alabama   |       2004 |       0 |
| Etowah     | Alabama   |       2004 |       0 |


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