I'm Emile, a French full-stack & blockchain developer and software engineer.
- live.24hisere.fr - A web application for live tracking of runners' rankings and performances during a 24-hour race - NestJS, React, Typescript, Drizzle, MariaDB
- leQuiz.io - A real time multiplayer quiz platform - React, Node.js, socket.io, PostgreSQL
- OpenSubs - An NFT marketplace that enables peer to peer rental of subscriptions to online service platforms thanks to the ERC4907 standard (project for Alyra certification) - Solidity, React, Typescript, Firebase
- Voting Dapp - A voting smart contract & Dapp (project developed during my Alyra training) - Solidity, React, Typescript
- Discord SubBot - A discord bot designed for BUG-MAN-FR's Discord server to facilitate early access to videos for subscribers - Typescript, discord.js, Node.JS
- Mee6 Leaderboard Extractor - Node.JS
...and so many other tests, experiments and archives that you can find on my profile.