Some indications :
In STM32CubeMX: File> New Project> Board selector> NUCLEO-F746ZG
Enable USARTx and select TX and RX pins (for this board the ST-Link connector is associated with USART3)
Enable USARTx global interrupt
In DMA setting: Enable DMA for USARTx and set their priority to HIGH
Adding ROS libraries in your projet:
First you must have ROS installed on your computer (this project was made with the ROS-Noetic version and Ubuntu 20.04)
add rosserial_stm32 package to your ROS workspace. Ex.: cd ~/catkin_ws/src
git clone
Then: cd ..
and catkin_make
source /devel/setup.bash
Generate code
$cd /your_projet_folder
(it should contain /Inc and /Scr directories)
rosrun rosserial_stm32 .
Finally, you should:
You go back to your project in STM32IDE, right click > Convert your stm32 project to C ++ (Because ROS libraries are written in C++)
Rename main.c to main.cpp
Set header files to be compiled with g++ : Right click on your project -> Properties > C/C++ generals > File Types
Use project settings > New.. > Pattern: *.h Type: C++ Header File
Modify the file STM32Hardware.h according to your board.