Here you will find minimal, interactive demos to test the capabilities of the Beluga library.
The Beluga library is not included in this repository.
You can find the official beluga
project in the repository.
This guide assumes you are using a Linux system with a working Docker installation. You can check if this is the case by running the following command in a terminal:
docker run hello-world
If you don't have Docker installed, you can find instructions on how to install it here. Instructions for installing Docker on Ubuntu can be found here.
The first step is to clone the repository:
git clone [email protected]:Ekumen-OS/beluga-demos.git
Step into the repository directory and start the docker image. The first time you run the docker container, the image will be built first; this build process may take a few minutes.
cd beluga-demos
./docker/ --build
If this step succeeds you'll be inside the docker container. Now you need to build the demo software stack and run one of the demos.
Finally, run one of the demos. You can run them by typing their names in the terminal. For instance, the following command will run the lidar_likelihood_model_hallway_demo
You'll find a list of the predefined demos in a table in the section below.
Once the demo starts you'll see three windows pop up (see the screen capture below):
- Gazebo simulation running the robot and the simulated world around it.
- RViz visualization showing sensor input values, pose estimation, particle filter belief, maps, etc.
- A small terminal that you can use to move the robot around (upper-left corner on the screen capture)
These windows can bee seen in the following screen capture on the right-hand side (Gazebo), left-hand side (RViz), and upper-right corner (terminal).
You can close the demo by pressing Ctrl+C
in the terminal where you initially started it.
This table contains the list of predefined demos that you can run:
Alias command | Description |
lidar_beam_model_hallway_demo |
Demo using the beluga_amcl node to localize in a world built out of the Cartographer Magazino dataset map. The node is configured to use the beam sensor model configuration. |
lidar_likelihood_model_hallway_demo |
Demo using the beluga_amcl node to localize in a world built out of the Cartographer Magazino dataset map. The node is configured to use the likelihood sensor model configuration. |
lidar_beam_model_office_demo |
Demo using the beluga_amcl node moving around a large office cluttered with unmapped obstacles. The configured sensor model is beam . |
lidar_likelihood_model_office_demo |
Demo using the beluga_amcl node moving around a large office cluttered with unmapped obstacles. Sensor model is likelihood . |
apriltags_localization_demo |
Simple custom localization node using the beluga library to localize the robot within a large |
light_beacons_localization_demo |
Simple custom localization node using the beluga library to localize the robot within a large |
nav2_integration_demo |
Demo using the beluga_amcl node in lieu of the nav2_amcl in a Nav2 stack to navigate around a large office cluttered with unmapped obstacles. |
Under this hood this repository is a ROS 2 workspace with a few packages and a custom Docker image that contains all the dependencies needed to run the demos.
The usual ROS 2 tooling can be used to build, launch and examine the demos inside the Docker container, if so desired.
The demo_build
alias command is a wrapper around the colcon
build tool that builds the workspace and sources it. It's equivalent to running the following commands:
cd ~/ws
colcon build --symlink-install
source install/setup.bash
The individual demo alias commands are just wrappers around the ros2 launch
command. For instance, the lidar_likelihood_model_hallway_demo
alias is equivalent to running the following command after having built the workspace:
ros2 launch beluga_demo_lidar_localization
The full list of available aliases can be found in this file.