This is a small Vimscript plugin for extracting quiz questions from your notes. When studying a topic, I typically make notes and intersperse the notes with questions that I can later ask myself to review the material. This small plugin contains a command to collect all these "quiz" questions from your note. A second command allows you to paste all collected questions in a file if you want to print them or produce a nice pdf.
It is recommended to use a package manager such as Plug.
When using Plug, place the following in your vimrc
Plug 'EdwinWenink/vim-quiz'
By default, questions in your notes are expected to start with *Q*
, which will pick up questions in lines with *Q*
and **Q**
(markdown syntax).
Note: it is assumed that each question is written on a new line.
This plugin offers two commands:
will find all questions in the current buffer and collects them in the quickfix list.:PasteQuestions
will paste the contents of the quickfix list on the next line in the current buffer.
The found questions will be displayed in the modeline as follows:
(1 of 8): **Q**: Why is the triangle mesh so useful for real-time rasterization?
Because this plugin uses Vim's quickfix list, you can navigate to the previous and next question with :cprev
and :cnext
If you use T. Pope's unimpaired plugin, these functions have the shortcuts [q
and ]q
which you can coincidentally remember as "previous question" and "next question".
This plugin defines default bindings for the two commands (note that leader is the backslash by default):
You can override these defaults, as well as set your preferred "quiz marker" in your vimrc
as follows:
nmap <leader>sq <Plug>(SearchQuestions)
nmap <leader>pq <Plug>(PasteQuestions)
let g:quiz_marker = '*Q*'
The plugin makes sure that special symbols such as the asterisk in *Q*
are escaped properly, so the quiz marker should correspond to how it occurs in your notes as plain text.
Also note that because the PasteQuestions
command pastes from the quickfix list, that you will not correctly paste the collected questions if you modify the quickfix list in the meantime.