This is oeCloud working module which can be used for example reference to build your module. You can then plug your module in app-list.json file of application. oeCloud module will load oe-skeleton (or your module). This document file shows what all things you can typically do when you want to develop oecloud module.
- oe-cloud
- oe-logger
Before you start developing oeCloud module, you should ensure network access and other softwares like MongoDB installed on your machine.
- You should able to connecto to npmjs and github when you use npm on command line
- For that use .npmrc and .gitconfig as shown below
proxy = http://proxy/
proxy = https://proxy/
- You should have nodejs 8+ version installed
- You should have MongoDB 3.2+ version installed
$ git clone
$ cd oe-skeleton
$ npm install --no-optional
mocha test/test.js
Run test cases along with code coverage - code coverage report will be available in coverage folder
$ npm run grunt-cover
$ node test/server.js
browse http://localhost:3000/explorer
CI is available and enabled by default in this project. You may have to do minor changes as below.
This file is responsible for running CI in gitlabs. you don't have to chagne anything in file. It will run npm run grunt-cover job which will internally run mocha test/test.js along with coverage. You may have to change this file to point to different database of Oracle, PostgreSQL or MongoDB. you will have to go to such sections and change the connection string. But mostly this is not needed.
This file is used when CI run test and coverage. you may want to modify following acceptance parameters.
check: {
lines: 90,
statements: 90,
branches: 50,
functions: 100
you should change this file as per your module.
.eslintrc and .eslintignore files you need not to modify. However it is good practice to run following command before you push into git. Or else CI pipeline will fail.
$ eslint . --fix
You can do following things in this oe-cloud module.
- Add models specific to your module (see common/modles folder)
- Add mixins which will get attached to BaseEntity (see common/mixins folder)
- Add middleware (see server/middleware folder and server/middleware.json)
- Add Boot script (see server/boot folder)
There is test folder created. you need to modify following files for your project
There are several total 3 datasource.x.json files each for Mongo, PostgreSQL and Oracle. you should change database name at least for Mongo and PostgreSQL
you may want to run this module as independent server during your development. Mostly you don't have to chagne this file unless you are having mixin. For that have line similar to below for your mixin.
This is typical mocha unit test case file. you can keep adding test cases to it.
you can add models that you want to use only for your test scripts in test/common/models folder and then modify test/model-config.json file to have entry for the model.
you can add boot script in test/boot folder. This will be executed as part of boot in application.
Similarly you can also have middleware/mixins for testing - which is mostly not required.