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An ocean planning resource center and interactive mapping tool for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean.


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MARCO Portal Redesign

This is the top level project for the Mid-Atlantic Ocean Data Portal

~Development Installation

Initial Setup using Vagrant:

The following is the recommended folder structure for the entire MARCO project and the customized provisioning script is inherently dependent on it. Altering the folder and naming structure will require modifications to the provisioning script, so please be aware! The provisioning script is designed to be a one-step install after initial setup.

  -- marco-portal2
    -- apps (all remaining repositories within Madrona Portal)
      -- mardona-analysistools
      -- madrona-features
      -- etc.
  1. Download the required code and dependencies:
  git clone
  mv marco-portal2 madrona-portal
  cd madrona-portal
  mkdir apps
  cd apps
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  git clone
  1. Once your folder structure is set up, create a config.ini file by making a copy of the config.ini.template located at marco-portal2/marco and modify the following

    • SECRET_KEY = [Punch in some random gibberish]
    • MEDIA_ROOT = /home/vagrant/marco_portal2/media
    • STATIC_ROOT = /home/vagrant/marco_portal2/static
    • LOCATION = /var/run/redis/redis.sock
    • RESULT_BACKEND = redis+socket:///var/run/redis/redis.sock
    • BROKER_URL = redis+socket:///var/run/redis/redis.sock
  2. Create a /static/ directory at the root level and move the /bower_components/ directory (also found at the root level) within it

  3. Create a /media/ directory at the root level and retrieve the live server's media folder via ssh/sftp located at /webapps/marco_portal_media/ and add it to the /media/ path. Refer to your team's technical documentation for server login (username and password) credentials

    • Of note - you may want to exclude the data_manager folder within the media directory - unless you're interested in several GBs of utfgrid layers.
mkdir media
scp -r user@live_server:~/webapps/marco_portal_media/documents ./media/         #11s -- RDH 7/27/2017
scp -r user@live_server:~/webapps/marco_portal_media/group_images ./media/      #11s
scp -r user@live_server:~/webapps/marco_portal_media/images ./media/            #3m19s
scp -r user@live_server:~/webapps/marco_portal_media/original_images ./media/   #3m57s
scp user@live_server:~/webapps/marco_portal_media/index.html ./media/           #12s
  1. Retrieve the data & content fixture from ~/fixtures/dev_fixture.json via ssh/sftp and place it at the root level of marco-portal2
cd [working dir]/marco-portal2
scp user@live_server:~/fixtures/dev_fixture.json ./                              #25s
  1. Download and install vagrant and virtual box (if you haven't already done so already)

  2. At the root of marco-portal2, run vagrant up and let it install ALL of dependencies MARCO relies upon

  3. At this point, you should be completely setup!

  • Note: At this point, there still seem to be issues with Wagtail Pages, and therefore Ocean Stories.
  • This is due to needing to configure for Redis to run on a socket, and Celery to point to that socket.
  • This is likely not the only way, but it's what I have working and how it runs on production. --RDH
  1. You probably want to create a superuser once you're in your VM, so that you have access to both the Django and Wagtail backend
Using Vagrant
  • Access your VM by running vagrant ssh. This will automatically log you into your virtual machine with your virtual environment activated at the project root level.

  • Shortcuts

    • To use / with normal django administrative tasks , use the keyword dj

      dj makemigrations
      dj migrate
      dj createsuperuser
      dj dumpdata
    • Typing djrun will run your dev server - remember to add your sample data first (see #5):

  • NOTE: The provisioning script is designed for a fresh install and will completely wipe the database and any associated content - IF you decide to shutdown your VM! Outside of halting your vagrant machine, running vagrant up or vagrant provision will cause the provisioning script to re-run. Adding the flag --no-provision to vagrant up will ignore the script.

**** OPTIONAL ***

If you decide to use pgAdmin3 for database management rather than using the command line, you'll need to allow/enable access to your virtual machine.

  • Enter into postgres.conf and change listen_addresses:
sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/postgresql.conf
listen_addresses = '*'
  • Enter into pg_hba.conf and add the host line:

     sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf
     host    all    all     md5
  • Restart postgresql

    sudo /etc/init.d/postgresql restart
  • Within pgAdmin3, modify your settings:

    • Name: marco_portal
    • Host: localhost
    • Port: 65432
    • Username: vagrant

~Code Deployment

Since this project is modularized, changes to a submodule only requires server updates to that specific submodule - rather than the entire code base.

  1. SSH into the server
  2. Activate your virtual env - source ~/env/marco_portal2/bin/activate
  3. Navigate to the submodule that you're updating. Submodules are located at:
    • Sandbox - cd /home/midatlantic/env/marco_portal2/src/[THE-NAME-OF-YOUR-SUBMODULE]
    • Production - cd ~/webapps/marco_portal/marco/src/
  4. Once you're at that path - git fetch && git reset -q --hard origin/master
    • origin/master pertains to the main master branch - you can change that to whatever your branch you'd like
    • Of note, the master marco-portal2 branch runs as origin/prototype
  5. Navigate to cd ~/webapps/marco_portal/marco
  6. Run python collectstatic to collect all the neccessary static (js/css) files
    • you can use the -i flag to ignore utfgrids in the rare chance that those files seems to be "collecting"
    • python collectstatic -i utfgrid
  7. Run python compress to compress
  8. Restart the server - ~/webapps/marco_portal/apache2/bin/restart

~Adding a new module to the apps directory and deployment

Adding a new module to marco requires a few additional steps for both local/development setup and deployment.

Local/Development setup:

  1. create directory within marco-portal2/apps
    • Use git clone for exisiting module or create a new direcotry and use git init to set up your new repository.
      • If this is a new git repository create a new remote origin repo within the MidAtlanticPortal orgainization. Next steps assume your new module is ready to use.
  2. open marco-portal2/requirements.txt and add the newly created git remote repository (e.g. -e git+ the @master#egg= assigns an alias (simple name) for your module
  3. open marco-portal2/marco/marco/ and add your new module's alias as an INSTALLED_APPS. (e.g., INSTALLED_APPS = [ 'an_alias'])
  4. run vagrant provision


  1. ssh into the server (sandbox or production)
  2. activate your virtual env - source ~/env/marco_portal2/bin/activate
  3. navigate to the submodule directory cd /home/midatlantic/env/marco_portal2/src/
  4. git clone your new module repository
  5. navigate to the marco-portal repo cd ~/code/marco_portal2/prototype/
  6. run git fetch && git reset -q --hard origin/prototype
  7. open the requirements.txt file and copy the line you added for your repo (e.g., -e git+
  8. enter pip install and paste (e.g.,pip install -e git+ ) and run
  9. navigate to cd ~/webapps/marco_portal/marco
  10. run python collectstatic -i utfgrid
  11. run python compress
  12. restart the server - ~/webapps/marco_portal/apache2/bin/restart


An ocean planning resource center and interactive mapping tool for the Mid-Atlantic Regional Council on the Ocean.







No packages published


  • JavaScript 37.6%
  • SCSS 22.3%
  • Python 18.6%
  • HTML 12.9%
  • CSS 5.5%
  • Shell 3.0%
  • Dockerfile 0.1%