EarthWorks is a community earth system model that strives to provide high-resolution climate-scale simulations. This work leverages and extends the Community Earth System Model where possible to allow coupled runs of Atmosphere, Land, and Ocean components on a single grid with horizontal spacing (cell size) less than 4km.
Help us out by contributing your ideas and changes! Read the Contributors' Guide for more info.
Visit our Wiki for instructions to get started and other guides.
This work is made possible through collaboration of NSF NCAR, Colorado State University, and others.
To checkout externals:
./bin/git-fleximod update
The externals are stored in: .gitmodules
The .gitmodules file can be modified. Then, running bin/git-fleximod update
fetches the updated externals.
Details about git-fleximod and the variables in the .gitmodules file can be found in: .lib/git-fleximod/
OR online in the repository for git-fleximod: