This project was created with the goal of reducing image file storage size by developing an image compression system using one of the neural networks named Stacked Denoising Autoencoder and using the special activation function PReLU [2] and Sub-pixel layer [11] as the up-sampling layer. The model was trained and measured on the Flickr Image Dataset [4] and the Kodak Image Dataset [7], respectively, before developing a compression system to compress the encoder model's latent representation vector with the Deflate algorithm [9]. The trained model has a reconstruction accuracy of 76%, and there is still room for improvement. Furthermore, on an image resolution of 128x128 pixels, the compression system can reduce the image file size relative to the original by an average of 89.92%, which is 43.97% more than the popular image compression algorithm JPEG.
To be clear this project is not end-to-end compression network
Latent representation vector from SSDCAE that was compressed with Deflate algorithm can reduce image file size by an average of 89.92%, which is 43.97% more than JPEG algorithm on an image resolution of 128x128 pixels.
Original File Size (bytes) | Latent Representation Size (bytes) | Compressed Latent Size (bytes) | Compressing Time (s) | Decompressing Time (s) | JPEG Compression Rate (%) | SSDCAE Compression Rate (%) |
33,799 | 11,487 | 3,070 | 0.0018 | 3.9577E-5 | 44.46 | 90.92 |
31,532 | 11,414 | 3,102 | 0.0016 | 4.3154E-5 | 43.83 | 90.16 |
30,957 | 11,323 | 3,421 | 0.0013 | 4.4107E-5 | 41.40 | 88.95 |
33,680 | 11,423 | 3,491 | 0.0012 | 4.3631E-5 | 42.61 | 89.63 |
-------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- | -------- |
Average | 1.47ms | 42.62μs | 43.07 | 89.92 |
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