This is the uniform processing pipeline for ENCODE DNase-seq experiments. It uses WDL and Caper (a wrapper over Cromwell) to specify and run the processing steps, and Docker to ensure a reproducible and portable compute environment. The same inputs should produce the same outputs regardless of computational platform (local, Cloud, etc.). The benefits of having a reproducible workflow include generating processed results that are comparable between ENCODE experiments and providing outside users an easy way to process their own DNAse-seq data for comparison with ENCODE data. See ENCODE's ChIP-seq and ATAC-seq pipelines for other examples of reproducible workflows.
Follow the instructions for installing Caper.
Assuming the requirements are installed you must create a JSON file specifying the inputs of the pipeline. These include the raw FASTQs from the DNase-seq experiment as well as reference files specific to an assembly (e.g. GRCh38) and read length (e.g. 76bp). There are three sections in the input JSON:
"dnase.replicates": [],
"dnase.references": {},
"dnase.machine_sizes": {}
takes a list of biological replicates. Here's an example of how to specify the input for ENCSR693UHT, which has a single replicate and two paired-end FASTQs (where R1
and R2
specify the pair):
"dnase.replicates": [
"accession": "ENCSR693UHT",
"number": 1,
"read_length": 76,
"adapters": {
"pe_fastqs": [
"R1": "s3://encode-public/2019/08/21/af5c625b-b188-4b17-9e78-5463a60d0336/ENCFF201UOC.fastq.gz",
"R2": "s3://encode-public/2019/08/21/a1ecf95f-713c-4890-95a1-88014b69ef2f/ENCFF149BGS.fastq.gz"
"R1": "s3://encode-public/2019/08/21/766fecd1-258e-4a92-b725-7fdb6aa77a07/ENCFF752UBC.fastq.gz",
"R2": "s3://encode-public/2019/08/21/87400548-896f-4b1e-921f-73127a9db3e2/ENCFF559DWT.fastq.gz"
Here's how to specify the input for a 36bp single-end experiment with one replicate like ENCSR420RWU:
"dnase.replicates": [
"accession": "ENCSR420RWU",
"number": 1,
"read_length": 36,
"se_fastqs": [
Note that adapters
aren't required for single-end experiments.
Here's how to specify the input for a 36bp mixed single-end/paired-end experiment with two replicates like ENCSR426IEA:
"dnase.replicates": [
"accession": "ENCSR426IEA",
"number": 1,
"read_length": 36,
"adapters": {
"pe_fastqs": [
"R1": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/8a44e7ad-7586-49bd-ad62-6933981fdb17/ENCFF178WLB.fastq.gz",
"R2": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/2059b738-4e97-4553-a93b-3a112fc34969/ENCFF645INN.fastq.gz"
"R1": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/cd94b937-c67b-4b54-8b2e-13ab75ad0608/ENCFF377AOZ.fastq.gz",
"R2": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/0699c990-5072-42d2-9d70-10711853f487/ENCFF536KHM.fastq.gz"
"R1": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/86a8a345-7c10-4789-9e7a-ca73fc7160e3/ENCFF665FKP.fastq.gz",
"R2": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/d0631a63-ea91-4c48-a2ec-c93fe4cd72a4/ENCFF580MND.fastq.gz"
"R1": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/a60a7b84-d9da-48a7-be29-dbaa7a0094be/ENCFF901FSW.fastq.gz",
"R2": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/96561da6-f942-492b-909f-94a1ad48cea6/ENCFF719IMH.fastq.gz"
"se_fastqs": [
"accession": "ENCSR426IEA",
"number": 2,
"read_length": 36,
"adapters": {
"pe_fastqs": [
"R1": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/a4c088cb-654f-4bb8-8d74-20301711b67b/ENCFF266WWA.fastq.gz",
"R2": "s3://encode-public/2014/09/27/0760ec09-c0e9-4c5b-a970-52c17d062e2a/ENCFF314WHE.fastq.gz"
"se_fastqs": [
In some cases it is necessary to run preseq lc_extrap in defects
mode. The option is false
by default and can be defined separately for each replicate.
Here's how to specify the input for a 36bp single-end experiment with one replicate like ENCSR420RWU with defects mode:
"dnase.replicates": [
"preseq_defects_mode": true,
"accession": "ENCSR420RWU",
"number": 1,
"read_length": 36,
"se_fastqs": [
The dnase_no_footprints.wdl
can be used to skip the footprinting
part of the workflow. This uses the same input as the dnase.wdl
workflow and otherwise produces identical outputs.
takes read-length specialized reference files for Hotspot1/Hotspot2 steps, as well as standard genomic indices required by the pipeline:
"dnase.references": {
"genome_name": "GRCh38",
"indexed_fasta": {
"fasta": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.fa",
"fai": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.fa.fai"
"bwa_index": {
"bwt": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.fa.bwt",
"fasta": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.fa",
"pac": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.fa.pac",
"ann": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.fa.ann",
"amb": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.fa.amb",
"sa": "gs://dnase/ref/"
"nuclear_chroms": "gs://dnase/ref/nuclear_chroms.txt",
"narrow_peak_auto_sql": "gs://dnase/ref/bigbed/",
"hotspot1": {
"chrom_info": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.chromInfo.bed",
"mappable_regions": "gs://dnase/ref/36/GRCh38.K36.mappable_only.bed"
"hotspot2": {
"chrom_sizes": "gs://dnase/ref/GRCh38.chrom_sizes.bed",
"center_sites": "gs://dnase/ref/36/GRCh38.K36.center_sites.n100.starch",
"mappable_regions": "gs://dnase/ref/36/GRCh38.K36.mappable_only.bed"
"bias_model": "gs://dnase/ref/vierstra_et_al.txt"
In most cases references should already exist for a given assembly/read length, though the references.wdl
workflow can be used to generate most of these for a new assembly/read length. Note that it is important for the genome_name
to correspond to the prefix of your references/indices. You can also specify a txt.gz file for references that are text files, and a tar.gz archive for references with multiple files:
"dnase.references": {
"genome_name": "GRCh38",
"indexed_fasta_tar_gz": "gs://dnase/ref/tarballs/GRCh38/indexed_fasta.tar.gz",
"bwa_index_tar_gz": "gs://dnase/ref/tarballs/GRCh38/bwa_index.tar.gz",
"nuclear_chroms_gz": "gs://dnase/ref/nuclear_chroms.txt.gz",
"narrow_peak_auto_sql": "gs://dnase/ref/bigbed/",
"hotspot1_tar_gz": "gs://dnase/ref/tarballs/GRCh38/76/hotspot1.tar.gz",
"hotspot2_tar_gz": "gs://dnase/ref/tarballs/GRCh38/76/hotspot2.tar.gz",
"bias_model_gz": "gs://dnase/ref/vierstra_et_al.txt.gz"
specifies the desired compute size for specific steps of the pipeline (when custom instances can be specified).
"dnase.machine_sizes": {
"align": "large2x",
"concatenate": "medium",
"convert": "medium",
"filter": "large",
"footprint": "medium2x",
"mark": "large",
"merge": "large",
"normalize": "medium2x",
"peaks": "medium2x",
"qc": "medium2x",
"score": "medium",
"trim": "large2x",
"unpack": "medium"
The sizes are defined in wdl/runtimes.json. For example medium
corresponds to these resources:
"medium": {
"cpu": 2,
"memory_gb": 13,
"disks": "local-disk 200 SSD"
Note that specifying dnase.machine_sizes
is optional and default values from wdl/default_machine_sizes.json will be used if it is not specified in the input JSON.
You can use the 76bp dnase_template.json or the 36bp dnase_template.json for GRCh38 to avoid having to fill in the references and machine_size sections.
The pipelines can be roughly split up into these parts:
- Concatenate, trim, and align fastqs - The raw FASTQs are concatenated, trimmed for adapters and length, and aligned with BWA (single-end and paired-end data are kept separate).
- Merge, mark, and filter BAMs - The aligned PE/SE BAMs are merged and duplicates are marked. Low-quality and non-nuclear reads are filtered out.
- Call hotspots and peaks and get SPOT score - The nuclear BAM is passed to Hotspots1 and Hotspot2 for peaks and SPOT score.
- Call footprints - A footprint model is fit and statistical deviations from expected cleavage rates within Hotspot regions are called and thresholded.
- Calculate and gather QC - Quality metrics such as
samtools flagstats
are collected. - Normalize and convert files - The
density starch
from Hotspot2 is normalized and converted to abigWig
, peakstarches
are converted tobed
Once the input JSON has been specified and placed somewhere accessible (e.g in a Google Cloud bucket) you can launch the workflow:
caper submit dnase.wdl --inputs gs://dnase/json/ENCSR426IEA.json
You can check on the status of the workflow with:
caper list --hide-subworkflow
unfiltered bam |
nuclear bam |
normalized density bw |
five percent allcalls bed gz |
five percent allcalls bigbed |
five percent narrowpeaks bed gz |
five percent narrowpeaks bigbed |
tenth of one percent narrowpeaks bed gz |
tenth of one percent narrowpeaks bigbed |
tenth of one percent peaks starch (summit information) |
one percent footprints bed gz |
one percent footprints bigbed |
Quality Metrics
unfiltered_bam |
trimstats |
stats |
flagstats |
bamcounts |
nuclear_bam |
stats |
flagstats |
hotspot1 spot score |
duplication metrics |
preseq |
preseq targets |
insert size metrics |
insert size info |
insertsize histogram pdf |
peaks |
hotspot2 spot score |
five percent allcalls count |
five percent hotspots count |
five percent narrowpeaks count |
tenth of one percent narrowpeaks count |
footprints |
dispersion model |
one percent footprints count |
(Note that insert sizes and trimstats only included for PE data.)
The wdl folder is split up into:
- tasks
- subworkflows
- workflows
- structs
Tasks wrap generic command-line utilities. Subworkflows use one or more tasks to create DNase-seq-specific utilities. Workflows combine mutliple subworkflows into a conceptually useful unit of work for consumption by the end user. Structs define the abstract groups of parameters and files that should be passed around together.
The tests folder is split up into:
- unit
- integration
- functional
In general unit tests ensure proper wrapping of command-line utilities by tasks. We are only checking for proper syntax of the command that is run, not its output. Integration tests ensure proper combination of tasks in subworkflows. We are using test input data and comparing actual output with expected output. Functional tests are similar to integration tests but call workflow WDLs directly.
All tasks, subworkflows, and workflows are tested with unit, integration, and functional tests, respectively. We use pytest-workflow and Caper to run Cromwell and compare outputs. Usually we can compare md5sums using the pytest-workflow yml. For example in tests/integration/test_samtools.yml the test_build_fasta_index.wdl is run and we can assert chr22.fa.fai is returned with a certain md5sum:
- name: test_build_fasta_index
- integration
command: >-
tests/ \
tests/integration/wdl/test_build_fasta_index.wdl \
- "samtools faidx chr22.fa"
- path: "test-output/chr22.fa.fai"
md5sum: d89b1fd70e1fe59b329a8346a59ffc03
- path: "test-output/chr22.fa"
md5sum: 69a750d5ed9490e0d1e707a43368ba86
However for binary files like BAM and starch that have nondeterministic md5sums we write custom comparisons (kept in the .py files) that first convert the ouputs to plain text. These are automatically run by pytest-workflow after outputs have been generated. For example in tests/integration/test_samtools.yml the test_sort_bam_by_coordinate.wdl is run and we assert sorted.bam is returned but don't check its md5sum:
- name: test_sort_bam_by_coordinate
- integration
command: >-
tests/ \
tests/integration/wdl/test_sort_bam_by_coordinate.wdl \
- "samtools sort"
- "-l 0"
- "-@ 1"
- "out.bam"
- "sorted.bam"
- "-n"
- path: "test-output/sorted.bam"
Then in tests/integration/ we run a Python function that is linked to the test_sort_bam_by_coordinate test and compares the sorted.bam with the expected sorted.bam as SAM files:
import pytest
from pathlib import Path
def test_sort_bam_by_coordinate_bams_match(test_data_dir, workflow_dir, bams_match):
actual_bam_path = workflow_dir / Path('test-output/sorted.bam')
expected_bam_path = test_data_dir / Path('dnase/alignment/sorted.bam')
assert bams_match(actual_bam_path.as_posix(), expected_bam_path.as_posix())
Here test_data_dir is a pytest fixture aliasing the folder where we keep our expected data (i.e. tests/data), workflow_dir is a fixture aliasing the directory in which pytest-workflow runs the WDL and collects the outputs, and bams_match is a fixture aliasing a function that opens both the BAMs as SAMs and compares:
import pysam
def compare_bams_as_sams(bam_path1, bam_path2):
sam1 = pysam.view(bam_path1)
sam2 = pysam.view(bam_path2)
return sam1 == sam2
The tests can be run by calling pytest
in the parent dnase-seq-pipeline folder.
Tests dependencies:
- Java
- Docker
pip install requirements.txt
conda install bedops
orbrew install bedops
The script that runs Caper expects some environment variables:
- DNASE_DOCKER_IMAGE_TAG - docker image to run tests (e.g. encodedcc/dnase-seq-pipeline:template)
- CROMWELL - path to cromwell.jar (download from
- WOMTOOL - path to womtool.jar (download from