Elevate services can be setup in local using three methods:
- Docker-Compose File (Easiest): Refer Section A.
- Dockerized service with local dependencies(Intermediate): Refer Section B.
- Local Service with local dependencies(Hardest): Refer Section C.
Expectation: Run all services at the same time with a common Docker-Compose file.
Install Docker & Docker-Compose.
Clone all elevate services into a common directory.
./ELEVATE/ ├── mentoring ├── notification ├── scheduler └── user
To create/start all containers:
ELEVATE/mentoring$ docker-compose up
To remove all containers & networks:
ELEVATE/mentoring$ docker-compose down
Refer Docker-Compose README for more information.
Note: It isn't always necessary to run down command. Existing containers and networks can be stopped gracefully by using Ctrl + C key combination.
Warning: Do not use docker-compose in production.
Expectation: Run single docker containerized service with existing local (in host) or remote dependencies.
Update dependency (Mongo, Kafka etc) IP addresses in .env with "host.docker.internal".
#MongoDb Connectivity Url MONGODB_URL = mongodb://host.docker.internal:27017/elevate-mentoring #Kafka Host Server URL KAFKA_URL = host.docker.external:9092
Find host.docker.internal IP address and added it to mongod.conf file in host.
Eg: If host.docker.internal is, mongod.conf:
# network interfaces net: port: 27017 bindIp: ","
Note: Steps to find host.docker.internal IP address & location of mongod.conf is operating system specific. Refer this for more information.
Build the docker image.
/ELEVATE/mentoring$ docker build -t elevate/mentoring:1.0 .
Run the docker container.
For Mac & Windows with docker v18.03+:
$ docker run --name mentoring elevate/mentoring:1.0
For Linux:
$ docker run --name mentoring --add-host=host.docker.internal:host-gateway elevate/mentoring:1.0`
Refer this for more information.
Update dependency (Mongo, Kafka etc) Ip addresses in .env with respective remote server IPs.
#MongoDb Connectivity Url MONGODB_URL = mongodb:// #Kafka Host Server URL KAFKA_URL =
Add Bind IP to mongod.conf in host:
Follow instructions given here.
Note: Instructions might differ based on MongoDB version and operating system.
Build the docker image.
/ELEVATE/mentoring$ docker build -t elevate/mentoring:1.0 .
Run the docker container.
$ docker run --name mentoring elevate/mentoring:1.0
Expectation: Run single service with existing local dependencies in host (Non-Docker Implementation).
Install required tools & dependencies
Install any IDE (eg: VScode)
Install Nodejs: https://nodejs.org/en/download/
Install MongoDB: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/installation/
Install Robo-3T: https://robomongo.org/
Clone the Mentoring service repository.
git clone https://github.com/ELEVATE-Project/mentoring.git
Add .env file to the project directory
Create a .env file in src directory of the project and copy these environment variables into it.
# Mentoring Service Config # Port on which service runs APPLICATION_PORT = 3000 # Service environment APPLICATION_ENV = development # Route after base url APPLICATION_BASE_URL = /mentoring/ # Mongo db connectivity url MONGODB_URL = mongodb://localhost:27017/elevate-mentoring # Token secret to verify the access token ACCESS_TOKEN_SECRET = 'bsj82AHBxahusub12yexlashsbxAXADHBlaj' # Kafka hosted server url KAFKA_URL = localhost:9092 # Kafka group to which consumer belongs KAFKA_GROUP_ID = userservice # Kafka topic to push notification data NOTIFICATION_KAFKA_TOPIC = notificationtopic # Kafka topic name to consume from mentoring topic KAFKA_MENTORING_TOPIC ="mentoringtopic" # Kafka topic to push recording data KAFKA_RECORDING_TOPIC ="recordingtopic" # Any one of three features available for cloud storage CLOUD_STORAGE = 'GCP/AWS/AZURE' # Gcp json config file path GCP_PATH = 'gcp.json' # Gcp bucket name which stores files DEFAULT_GCP_BUCKET_NAME = 'gcp-bucket-storage-name' # Gcp project id GCP_PROJECT_ID = 'project-id' # Aws access key id AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID = 'aws-access-key-id' # Aws secret access key AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY = 'aws-secret-access-key' # Aws region where bucket will be located AWS_BUCKET_REGION = 'ap-south-1' # Aws end point AWS_BUCKET_ENDPOINT = 's3.ap-south-1.amazonaws.com' # Aws bucket name which stores files DEFAULT_AWS_BUCKET_NAME = 'aws-bucket-storage-name' # Azure storage account name AZURE_ACCOUNT_NAME = 'account-name' # Azure storage account key AZURE_ACCOUNT_KEY = 'azure-account-key' # Azure storage container which stores files DEFAULT_AZURE_CONTAINER_NAME = 'azure-container-storage-name' # user serice host USER_SERIVCE_HOST = 'http://localhost:3001' # user serice base url USER_SERIVCE_BASE_URL = '/user/' # Big blue button url BIG_BLUE_BUTTON_URL = https://dev.mentoring.shikshalokam.org # Big blue button base url BIB_BLUE_BUTTON_BASE_URL = /bigbluebutton/ # Meeting end callback events end point MEETING_END_CALLBACK_EVENTS = https%3A%2F%2Fdev.elevate-apis.shikshalokam.org%2Fmentoring%2Fv1%2Fsessions%2Fcompleted # Big blue button secret key BIG_BLUE_BUTTON_SECRET_KEY = n # Big blue button recording ready callback url RECORDING_READY_CALLBACK_URL = http%3A%2F%2Flocalhost%3A3000%2F%3FmeetingID%3Dmeet123 # Enable logging of network request ENABLE_LOG = true
Start MongoDB locally
Based on your host operating system and method used, start MongoDB.
Install Npm packages
ELEVATE/mentoring/src$ npm install
Start Mentoring server
ELEVATE/mentoring/src$ npm start
To set scheduler service job
Run the schedulerScript file from scripts directory:
ELEVATE/mentoring/src/scripts$ node schedulerScript.js
npm run elevate-migrations s
npm run elevate-migrations create <migration-name>
npm run elevate-migrations up
npm run elevate-migrations down