Releases: ELENA-LANG/elena-lang
ELENA 6.6.1
Point release to fix previous issues
- [FIXED] #702 : Elena 6.5.0 crashes in Ubuntu 24.04 docker image
- [FIXED] an invalid operation with a structure field
- [FIXED] linux x86-64 : debug module structure
- [FIXED] Linux x86-64 : FPU operations
- [FIXED] ppc64le extopen / extclose opcode
- [FIXED] #704 : Porting to FreeBSD/PowerPC64
- [FIXED] aarch64 extopen / extclose opcode
ELENA 6.5.0
ELENA 6.5.0 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and new samples.
Fixes # (issue)
ELENA 6.5.0
- [FIXED] method reference : support function singletons
- [FIXED] direct typecasting must have priority over implicit conversion
- [ADDED] Thread static symbols / static fields
- [ADDED] new byte-codes : peektls / storetls
- [FIXED] ?? operator
- [ADDED] static constructor
- [ADDED] internal symbols
- [ADDED] supporting async methods
- [ADDED] supporting indexed methods
- [ADDED] indexed internal methods can be declared in a closed class
- [REDUX]!! refactoring grammar to make it more readable
- [ADDED] support parameterized extension method call
- [ADDED] new option -el5 / -el6 (default) - specifying grammar compatible to ELENA 5.x or 6.x
- [ADDED] Win x32-64 : MTA Console
- [FIXED] inline field assignment in a template class
- [FIXED] return inside lock
- [FIXED] ppc64le : fix iteratorMethodTest
- [FIXED] declaring a lambda function with template based argument
- [FIXED] calling a method directly with nil argument when allowed
- [FIXED] single dispatch of a private / internal / protected method
- [FIXED] closure argument types can be specified by an expected type
- [FIXED] it is not possible to declare internal default constructor
- [FIXED] #675 - Using ++ operator with a weak type
- [FIXED] incorrect typecast handler signature for the classes inheriting template-based ones
- [FIXED]variadic argument list of super class is type-casted
- [FIXED] #689: declaring a lambda function with template based argument
- [FIXED] fixing issues ABI convention for external calls
- [FIXED] preloaded symbols in sub namespaces
- [FIXED] calling indexed method from the sealed class
- [ADDED] new option -xs - Strict type enforcing option (raise an error if the sealed class is typecasted / called the method that does not exists)
- [ADDED] system'threading'Thread: Priority, join, Current
- [ADDED] system'runtime'Environment
- [ADDED] system'collections'threadsafe'ConcurrentQueue
- [ADDED] #154 : system'threading'Semaphore
- [ADDED] system'threading'BlockingQueue
- [ADDED]system'threading'ThreadPool
- [ADDED] #154 : system'threading: ManualResetEvent, AutoResetEvent, CountDownEvent
- [ADDED] system'threading : Task
- [ADDED] system'io'Directory : static getFiles / getFiles
- [ADDED] File : saveContent, readContent, readWideContent
- [ADDED] system'io'threading : asyncStreamOp extension
- [ADDED] system'threading.Task - sleep
- [ADDED] extensions'threading : outputConcurrentOp extension
- [REDUX] all symbols must start with a capital letter
- [ADDED] system'threading : Task
- [FIXED] system'objectOp.__getClassName[1]
- [ADDED] extensions'routines'stex : toArray
- [ADDED] threadpool
- [ADDED] tasks
- [ADDED] asyncsamples
- [ADDED] task sample 2
- [ECV][ADDED] displaying class attributes
- [FIXED][ldoc] system-threading-.html must not be generated
- [FIXED][ldoc] system-threading : generate only templates declared in the module
- [FIXED][ASMC] opcode mov gs,r/m64
- [ADDED]new functional test : script_tests
Type of change
- Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- [x ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
ELENA 6.3.0
ELENA 6.3.0 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and ported samples.
Fixes # (issue)
ELENA 6.3.0
- [ADDED] key-value expression
- [ADDED] #265 : Support enumeration list
- [ADDED] self attribute
- [ADDED] new operator $size
- [ADDED] text blocks
- [ADDED] method reference - &myMethod
- [FIXED] single dispatcher : if an argument is nillable, it can accept nil value
- [ADDED] String interpolation
- [REDUX] iterator method
- [ADDED] #496 : private fields
- [FIXED] private constructor must be called directly
- [FIXED] accessing static fields inside a structure
- [FIXED] ppc64le : decoratorTest()
- [FIXED] #667 : Boxing the symbol expression
- [FIXED] only public classes can be loaded in run-time
- [ADDED] #637 : bt optimization 4 unit test
- [FIXED] var attribute is allowed to be in the method argument list
- [FIXED] "__typeof self" expression inside the nested class / closure
- [FIXED] GC_ALLOC routine for vm mode
- [ADDED] CF : alternative output
- [ADDED] reusing PermVectorTable after windows are closed
- [ADDED] xforms60 script
- [FIXED] external calls to be excluded from managed stack frames
- [FIXED] Directory.getFiles : raising an exception if no files were found
- [ADDED] xforms example
- [ADDED] #658 : new project LDBG - ELENA Debugger Adapter
Type of change
- Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
ELENA 6.2.0
ELENA 6.2.0 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and ported samples.
Fixes # (issue)
ELENA 6.2.0
- [ADDED] optimized ternary expressions
- [FIXED] declaring a field with a type of template based array
- [ADDED] unit-test for declaring a field with a type of template based array
- [FIXED] function attribute is allowed for the function declaration
- [FIXED] template generation routines
- [FIXED] include opcode must restore previous frame value
- [ADDED] #590 : creating a dynamic interface wrapper
- [FIXED] JIT code resolving
- [ADDED] #590 : creating a dynamic interface wrapper
- [ADDED] #89 : new functionality - MemoryStream, BitArray, SortedList, SortedArrayList
- [ADDED] #95 : LiteralBuffer, WideBuffer
- [ADDED] new template extensions'dynamic'Serializer
- [FIXED] String#class.copy[4]
- [ADDED] chat sample
Type of change
- Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
Please visit a release page to download the binaries:
ELENA 6.0.10
ELENA 6.0.9 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and ported samples.
Fixes # (issue)
- [ADDED] #646 : Calling own method directly without target
- [ADDED] #651 : Template Expression - typecasting
- [ADDED] #497 : a static method must have an access to private methods
- [FIXED] aarch64 : xstorefir opcode
- [FIXED] ppc64le : open opcode
- [ADDED] new option : auto-preloaded module extension ("-xm")
- [FIXED] reducing the total size of an executable by ignoring module extensions by default
- [FIXED] #401 - += operator with array
- [FIXED] #488 : Declaring auto struct variable
- [FIXED] #522 : single dispatch variadic message
- [FIXED] x86-64 : calling from external
- [FIXED] #608 : single dispatch for constructors
- [FIXED] #504 : Support an array operation with external function arguments
- [FIXED] #589 : Supporting ?: operator inside ??
- [ADDED] #569 : Ignoring order of declaration
- [FIXED] xhookdpr for x86-64 mode
- [ADDED] #635 : new entry point to invoke the functionality from another program
- [FIXED] toJson extension
- [FIXED] try statement does not allocate an exception
- [ADDED] extensions'io:ByteArrayReader,ByteArrayWriter
- [ADDED] #635 : new tutorial to call an ELENA library from C++ / C#
- [ADDED] chat sample
- [ADDED] ecv-cli : adding a filter for listing members
- [FIXED]elt-cli : fixing support for extension methods
- [FIXED] watch : displaying stack-allocated classes
- [ADDED] syntax highlighting
Type of change
- Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
Please visit a release page to download the binaries:
ELENA 6.0.9
ELENA 6.0.9 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux AArch64 / I386 / Amd64 / PPC64le
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and ported samples.
Fixes # (issue)
- [ADDED] new opcode - parent
- [ADDED] meta expression: nested singletons
- [ADDED] new class flag - elPacked
- [ADDED] new attribute - packed
- [ADDED] #637 - unit tests for byRefOp optimization
- [ADDED] #637 - unit tests for intCopying optimization
- [ADDED] #610 - struct redesign
- [FIXED] optimization : copy 8 / copydpn 8
- [FIXED] #615 : The field is not property incremented by an addition assignment
- [FIXED] x64 : fround opcode
- [FIXED] x64 : fabs opcode
- [FIXED] x86 : xdispatchmr opcode
- [ADDED] system'dynamic'expressions'LazySymbolExpression
- [FIXED] ushort - native comparison operations
- [ADDED] system'net
- [ADDED] ltests
- [ADDED] net
- [ADDED] win64 gui
- [FIXED] realOp.RoundedInt extension
- [FIXED] interpreter sample for x86-64
- [FIXED] #618 : template class descriptions
- [ADDED] include / exclude file
- [FIXED] ctrl+w hides the frame
- [ADDED] ins / over modes
- [ADDED] dark color scheme
- [ADDED] GitHub Action - MSBuild nightly build
Type of change
- Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
Please visit a release page to download the binaries:
ELENA 6.0.8
ELENA 6.0.8 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and ported samples.
Fixes # (issue)
- [ADDED] an opcode LNEG
- [ADDED] native negate operation for long integers
- [ADDED] #588 - Operation with int constant
- [ADDED] multi-profiles per a single project file; new option -l
- [ADDED] #638 - Accessing a variable declared in the upper scope
- [FIXED] calling a variadic method without arguments directly
- [FIXED] declaring a template based type with T is an array as a method result
- [FIXED] GC : perm generation is not included as roots for the partial collect
- [FIXED] generating a proper debug info for local structure / structure self
- [FIXED] it has to be possible to convert int literal directly to v_int8 / v_int16 / v_int64, depending on the value size
- [FIXED] x86 MTA : starting the new thread / program
- [FIXED] x86 MTA : GC routine
- [FIXED] byrefHandler : if it is not contain the explicit return, assign self to byref retVal
- [FIXED] no need for typecasting operation after if-else operation with both branches containging returning operation
- [FIXED] optimizing operation with int constants
- [ADDED] sqlite module
- [FIXED] string.toUpper() : returns a string with an incorrect length
- [FIXED] windproc
- [ADDED] xforms
- [ADDED] sqlite_test
- [FIXED] Rosetta Code : Interactive programming (repl), Vigenère cipher
- [ADDED] c_a_g sample
- [ADDED] agenda sample
- [ADDED] graph sample
- [ADDED] support for stdcall for win32
- [ADDED] project settings - select the project profile
- [FIXED] #634 - IDE debugger: the debugger must hide trace line on wait
- [FIXED] #634 - debugger step over some expressions
- [FIXED] #636 - IDE bugs
- [FIXED] displaying stack-allocated structures
- [FIXED] warn if the source code is not compiled after the change before run / debug
- [FIXED] warn if the source code is changed and not save before run / debug
- [FIXED] the document is in read-only mode during the debugging
Type of change
- Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
- New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
- Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
Please visit a release page to download the binaries:
ELENA 6.0.7
ELENA 6.0.7 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and ported samples.
Fixes # (issue)
- [ADDED]meta command #load, #clear
- [ADDED]#563:Extended statement templates
- [FIXED]#508 - working on multi-value assigning
- [FIXED]#86 - primitive operations : int + long
- [FIXED]"this self" for an extension
- [ADDED]system : Int8Number, UShortNumber
- [ADDED]#629 - Read-only fields
- [FIXED]#613 - bytecode optimization
- [FIXED]#623 - Overriding property set accessor
- [FIXED]#601 - bytecode optimization
- [ADDED]evaluate an expression in compile-time if possible
- [ADDED]#562 - Nullable support
ELENA 6.0.6
ELENA 6.0.6 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes a number of critical bug fixes, new functionality and ported samples.
- [ADDED]snop opcode
- [ADDED]xfsave opcode
- [ADDED]opcodes : xcmp sp, load sp
- [ADDED]$yield operator
- [ADDED]yieldable method
- [ADDED]using statements
- [ADDED]lock statement
- [ADDED]class constants
- [ADDED]globals
- [ADDED]MTA support for x86
- [ADDED]#321,#173 - conditional boxing
- [ADDED]warn if the outpur type is less accessible than the symbol
- [ADDED]variadic and normal methods cannot have similar names
- [ADDED]weak implementations of &&, ||, ^^
- [FIXED]struct typecast handler : do not copy the struct
- [FIXED]constructor explicit multi-dispatch handler
- [FIXED]support constants in array size declaration
- [FIXED]passing variadic argument to another method
- [FIXED]#47 : Evaluating an expression in a symbol
- [FIXED]#15 - return double / long from external function
- [ADDED]preloaded symbols
- [ADDED]loadAddressInfo
- [FIXED]LoadExtensionDispatcherLA
- [FIXED]LoadActionNameLA
- [FIXED]#366 - Script engine rule not recognized correctly
- [ADDED]event property template
- [ADDED]system'winforms module
- [ADDED]forms module
- [ADDED]forms'SDIDialog
- [ADDED]forms'Button
- [ADDED]forms'Edit
- [ADDED]forms'Label
- [ADDED]system'dynamic'ExtensionDispatcher
- [FIXED]Console class should be public with internal constructor
- [FIXED]system'io'StreamWriter
- [FIXED]system'collections'Stack
- [FIXED]system'dynamic'DynamicTape - variadic functions
- [FIXED]dynamic expressions
- [ADDED] Conway's Game of Life
- [ADDED]recent open projects
- [FIXED]debug watch : Reference
- [FIXED] elt-cli
ELENA 6.0.5
ELENA 6.0.5 is out for all supported platforms : Windows x86 / x86-64, Linux x86 / x86-64 / AARCH64 / PPC64le!
The release includes major performance optimization as well as a number of critical bug fixes
- [ADDED]implementing corex60 routines
- [ADDED]constant array of integers
- [ADDED]native support for ?: operator
- [FIXED]#524 : Alt expression breaks the compilation
- [ADDED]message name functionality
- [ADDED]new opcodes : fiadd, fisub, fimul, fidiv
- [ADDED]basic bytecode optimization rules
- [ADDED]basic build optimization rules
- [ADDED]warn on unassigned variables
- [FIXED]nested class fields
- [FIXED]assignment operations with integers
- [FIXED]calling an interface / closed-class method
- [FIXED]warning on resending to itself (e.g. for constructor)
- [FIXED]resending to the property
- [FIXED]template-based extensions
- [FIXED]template of template
- [FIXED]do not box the returning self for the stacksafe method
- [FIXED]string comparison routines
- [FIXED]conversion routines
- [FIXED]nested exception catching
- [ADDED]number of new unit-tests
- [ADDED]system'runtime'commonOp - extension to read package info
- [ADDED]system'culture
- [ADDED]system'routines'stex
- [ADDED]new unit-tests: methodnotfound, nilreference
- [ADDED]24 sample
- [ADDED]Find dialog
- [ADDED]Goto dialog
- [ADDED]Toolbar dialog
- [ADDED]Context menu
- [FIXED]IDE blinking issues
- [ADDED]Window menu
- [ADDED]Unident
- [FIXED]Running to the cursor
- [ADDED]Recent files
- [ADDED]erase line, trim, upper case, lower case
- [ADDED]About dialog
- [ADDED]Editor settings
- [ADDED]Duplicate line
- [ADDED]close all but active
- [FIXED]API Doc generation
- [ADDED]ecv-cli: showing the method number
- [ADDED]ecv-cli: showing the module manifest info