You need to read the paper plus submit a small written reflection (except for the discussion leader). The reflection should be pushed to github before class. You won't get credit for the discussion unless you push to github before class. The reflection should include your thoughts on each of the questions under "questions to consider" below. It can be very brief and in bullet-point form but feel free to expand if you prefer.
- Individual project meetings. I will send an email with the meeting schedule.
- Leader: RB
- Jensen et al (2024). Knowing a fellow by their bellow: acoustic individuality in the bellows of the American alligator. Animal Behaviour 207:157-167.
Questions to consider for the papers
- What is the general prediction goal of the model(s) in this paper?
- Describe the response (predicted) variable
- Describe the predictor variables and any feature engineering (e.g. transformations, augmentation)
- What are the training and test data? Are they sufficiently independent?
- Describe the model algorithm used (e.g. architecture of NN)
- How did they train, tune, and evaluate the model? (incl. what hyperparameters were tuned)
- Is this an approach that wouldn't be possible without machine learning and how was it advantageous to use this specific machine learning method?
- Do you have any critiques of the paper, either methodological or about the conclusions drawn?
- 2-3 other bullet points, which might be insights or questions you want to raise in the discussion
Discussion leaders
Everybody will consider the questions above for each paper. The discussion leader will in addition prepare a presentation (e.g. powerpoint, google slides, beamer) that answers each of the first six questions (the what and how). The leader should go into a little bit of detail for each question (e.g. one slide per question; no more than two slides) highlighting especially any method details we haven't already covered in the first part of the course. The overview presentation will be about 15 minutes. The discussion leader should also think of 2-3 key questions to ask of the group as discussion points. The discussion leader doesn't need to submit a written reflection but should submit their presentation.