Adds Interface and Validation Testing for MAM4xx Online Emissions #3083
Mergify / Mergify Merge Protections
2024-11-17 19:34:35
1 applicable rule, 0 validating requirements
Merge Protections
Your pull request matches the following merge protections and will not be merged until they are valid.
🟠 Enforce checks passing
Waiting checks: cpu-gcc / ${{ matrix.test.short_name }}
, cpu-gcc / SMS_D_Ln5.ne4pg2_oQU480.F2010-SCREAMv1-MPASSI.scream-mam4xx-all_mam4xx_procs
, gcc-cuda / ${{ matrix.build_type }}
, gcc-cuda / dbg
, gcc-cuda / opt
, gcc-cuda / sp
, gcc-openmp / ${{ matrix.build_type }}
, gcc-openmp / dbg
, gcc-openmp / fpe
, gcc-openmp / opt
, gcc-openmp / sp
Make sure that checks are not failing on the PR, and reviewers approved
- any of:
check-skipped={% raw %}gcc-openmp / ${{ matrix.build_type }}{% endraw %}
- all of:
check-success="gcc-openmp / dbg"
check-success="gcc-openmp / fpe"
check-success="gcc-openmp / opt"
check-success="gcc-openmp / sp"
- any of:
check-skipped={% raw %}gcc-cuda / ${{ matrix.build_type }}{% endraw %}
- all of:
check-success="gcc-cuda / dbg"
check-success="gcc-cuda / opt"
check-success="gcc-cuda / sp"
- any of:
check-skipped={% raw %}cpu-gcc / ${{ matrix.test.short_name }}{% endraw %}
- all of:
check-success="cpu-gcc / SMS_D_Ln5.ne4pg2_oQU480.F2010-SCREAMv1-MPASSI.scream-mam4xx-all_mam4xx_procs"
check-success="cpu-gcc / ERS_Ln22.ne4pg2_ne4pg2.F2010-SCREAMv1.scream-small_kernels--scream-output-preset-5"
check-success="cpu-gcc / ERS_Ln9.ne4_ne4.F2000-SCREAMv1-AQP1.scream-output-preset-2"
check-success="cpu-gcc / ERS_P16_Ln22.ne30pg2_ne30pg2.FIOP-SCREAMv1-DP.scream-dpxx-arm97"
#approved-reviews-by >= 1
#changes-requested-reviews-by == 0
- any of: