Jepsen testing framework for Nebula Graph
Jepsen is an effort to improve the safety of distributed databases, queues, consensus systems, etc.
Nebula graph collaborates with Jepsen runs in docker environment. The cluster is formed by 8 docker containers, one meta node, one graph node, one control node and 5 storage nodes to achieve the test for storage kv API. Jepsen will be running in control node when testing, control the operations in 5 storage nodes.
The entire cluster will be set up by
script in nebula-jepsen/docker
directory. It pulls lastest images of storage, meta and graph. Then it adds some dependencies required by Jepsen environment into storage image and build a new one.
Firstly, clone the repo:
git clone
Secondly, change to nebula-jepsen/docker/
directory and run the script:
cd nebula-jepsen/docker/
./ start|remove|help
(arguments are:
start: start the cluster.
remove: remove all the related ongoing containers,
help: operations help)
Then the script will set up the test environment automatically, allowing ssh log in to root without password, using docker-compose to set up the cluster with a test space(partition_num=5, replica_factor=3). When the script ends, we will be in the container of control node.
After that, use lein run test
with some parameters to start testing in /jepsen/nebula/
-t <NAME> or --test <NAME>
#which test to run (*required,register or cas-register or multi-key)
--nemesis <NAME>
#which nemesis to use (optional, kill-node or partition-random-node. no nemesis as default)
--time-limit <TIME>
#how long will the test run
#lein run test -t register --nemesis kill-node --time-limit 60
You can also deploy the cluster in a machine and set a crontab to test all test types with all nemesis types.
Inside the nebula-control
crontab /jepsen/jepsencron
service cron start
That's it! Make sure of your machine and docker alive.