The code should run with no issues using Python 3 versions. If you don't have a library installed, just use !pip install to install the necessary libraries.
Since I used plotly library in this project, the issue is that github performs a static render of the notebooks and it doesn't include the embedded HTML/JavaScript that makes up a plotly graph.
So I made a web page for plotly charts. You can access it by clicking HERE.
There will, of course, be comments in the main file of the project.
- pandas
- seaborn
- requests
- zipfile
- io
The purpose of this project was to understand Which country has the most responses? What are the most popular methods of learning to code? What is the most common education level in the IT branch? File Description The notebook here has all answers to this 3 questions above.
The key findings of the code can be found at the project.ipynb above.
Credit to Stack Overflow for the data. Click HERE for the Stack Overflow page where you can find the licensing and other information on the data.