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How to create a headless Drupal site

Basado en Headless Drupal — Build a Drupal 8 API with a ReactJS Front-End

In order to begining you can choose which option to follow:

Option 1:

  1. Just Clone or download the repo called durable-drupal-cms-client-01 (This contains a React App ready to use)
  2. Skip and follow only the steps according 2. Create Drupal API section
  3. Using the repo you don't need to do 3. Integrate and display data section
  4. Go to 4. Drupal headless running section.


Option 2:

Please follow the steps in order to create React app:

1. Create React App

First of all we are going to create a React App. It’s where the decoupled Drupal website originates. We will create a simple welcome page.

Step 1.1

Create a simple basic folder structure with nothing extra, like the image below:

Folder React Structure

Step 1.2

Use a cdn to add React to my index.html file:

<script src=""></script> <script src=""></script>

Step 1.3

Now add a

in index.html:

Step 1.4

Create a file app.js inside js folder and add “React is awesome!” example:


React is awesome!

, document.getElementById('container') );

Step 1.5

Also include babel to transform JSX syntax (from the previous step) into ECMAScript and include app.js file inside index.html:

<script src=""></script> <script type="text/babel" src="js/app.js"></script>

Important Now, if you try to open index.html file in your Chrome browser (in Firefox it seems to work without advantage) you should have the XMLHttpRequest error. That means you need to use a HTTP server to make it work. The simplest way to start a new server is to use PHP's 5.4 and later built-in web server. You need to run this command inside of our React app directory using terminal:

php -S localhost:8000

Now if you go to http://localhost:8000/ page you should see “React is awesome!”. It means that React works and we’re ready to go.

First React running

2. Create Drupal API

Step 2.1

Create a new Drupal installation. For your convenience it's recommended to choose a standard Drupal installation over the minimal.

Step 2.2

Now add a new content type called "Blog". Let’s create with following fields:

  • Title
  • Body
  • Image

Step 2.3

Create a few nodes of "Blogs" content type. And you can see:

Drupal Headless

Step 2.4

Go to admin/modules and enable all modules under the web services:

Drupal headless web services

Step 2.5

  • Create a new view on admin/structure/views/add called Blogs API in order to create a required Web Service.
  • Add a filter for this view by content type "Blogs"
  • Click the "Provide a REST export" checkbox and enter REST export path. For example: api/blogs. Please see the image below:

Drupal Headless Blow view

Step 2.6

Now, if you go to api/blogs page you should see JSON data:

Drupal Headless json data

3. Integrate and display data

Step 3.1

We can chose the axios client for the server request instead of jQuery because we need only AJAX features and we don't want to load the whole library (jQuery). So add this into index.html:

<script src=""></script>

Step 3.2

  1. Here is the full content of app.js file. We will display all the blogs nodes:
  2. Render into DOM config. Please config App source with your json data path from your drupal site. According this example we called api/blogs. Like the image below:

Json data config path

  • Note: drupalheadlessexample replace by your drupal site name
class App extends React.Component {
 constructor() {
  // Set up initial state
  this.state = {
    data: []

// after a component is rendered for the first time call the componentDidMount() method
componentDidMount() {
  var th = this;
  this.serverRequest = axios.get(this.props.source)
    .then(function(blog) {

// call the componentWillUnMount() method before a component is unmounted from the DOM
componentWillUnmount() {

render() {
  var titles = []; => {
    titles.push(<h3 className="blogs">{item.title[0].value}</h3> );
  return (
    <div className="container">
      <div className="row">
          <h1 className="title">Blogs:</h1>

// render into DOM
<App source="http://localhost/drupalheadlessexample/api/blogs" />,

4. Drupal headless running

Step 1. Install chrome extension.

In order to avoid cross-domain request like: “No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource” install the following chrome extension

Step 2. Done!

  • Go to http://localhost:8000/
  • And you should see something like this:

Drupal headless running


First drupal react based headless client






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