- Provide functions to evaluate Jsonnet code inside a split view
- Extend nvim-treesitter highlighting with references and linting
-- Opinionated defaults
jsonnet_bin = 'jsonnet',
jsonnet_args = { '-J', 'vendor', '-J', 'lib' },
jsonnet_string_bin = 'jsonnet',
jsonnet_string_args = { '-S', '-J', 'vendor', '-J', 'lib' },
use_tanka_if_possible = true
-- default to false to not break existing installs
load_lsp_config = false
-- Pass along nvim-cmp capabilities if you use that.
capabilities = require('cmp_nvim_lsp').default_capabilities(),
-- default to false to not break existing installs
load_dap_config = false,
jsonnet_debugger_bin = 'jsonnet-debugger',
jsonnet_debugger_args = { '-s', '-d', '-J', 'vendor', '-J', 'lib' },
If the environment variable JSONNET_BIN
is set, it will use that instead of the configured values. This allows us to override the binary at a project level.
When use_tanka_if_possible
, it will check whether Tanka can resolve the JPATH and attempt to use tk eval
instead of configured values.
By default, :JsonnetEval
will open in a horizontal split, use :vertical JsonnetEval
to launch the split vertically.
This plugin does not provide syntax highlighting, folding, formatting or linting. Please rely on LSP, Treesitter and other plugins to aid with this.
LSP with jsonnet-language-server provides formatting and linting out of the box, this config uses nvim-lspconfig.
See Usage to enable opinionated setup.
Tip: configure format on save for all LSP buffers:
-- Format on save
buffer = buffer,
callback = function()
vim.lsp.buf.format { async = false }
nvim-dap provides a way to run the jsonnet-debugger, this works great in combination with nvim-dap-ui.
Install the debugger with go install github.com/grafana/[email protected]
and see Usage to enable.
Treesitter provides better highlighting and folding capabilities, this config uses nvim-treesitter.
Minimal configuration:
require 'nvim-treesitter'.setup()
require 'nvim-treesitter.configs'.setup({
highlight = { enable = true },
vim.wo.foldmethod = 'expr'
vim.wo.foldexpr = 'v:lua.vim.treesitter.foldexpr()'
vim.wo.foldlevel = 1000
For formatting code blocks inside Markdown you can use null-ls with cbfmt
TODO: null-ls has been archived, look for replacement.
local null_ls = require('null-ls')
local function getFileType()
local ft = vim.bo.filetype
for index, value in ipairs({ 'markdown', 'org', 'restructuredtext' }) do
if value == ft then
return ft
return 'markdown' -- fallback
sources = {
filetypes = { 'markdown', 'org', 'restructuredtext' },
extra_args = {
'--config', vim.fn.expand('~/.config/nvim/cbfmt.toml'),
'--parser', getFileType(),
# ~/.config/nvim/cbfmt.toml
jsonnet = ["jsonnetfmt --no-use-implicit-plus -"]