Releases: DriftKingTW/TinyPICO-BLE-Keypad
π§ Fix on-screen battery percentage won't update when keyboard is in caffeinated/output-locked mode.
Full Changelog: v1.0.0...v1.0.1
β¨ Change support module to ESP32-S3 (Using custom ESP32-S3-WROOM-N2R2 board)
π§ Add USB HID wired mode
π§ Disable BLE multi-device support due to technical issue
π Minor bugs fix
v0.3.0 beta3
π§ Fix key position issue
π§ Remove paste function SPIFFS web due to clipboard API limit
v0.3.0 beta2
π§ Fix latest device not remembered issue
v0.3.0 beta1
β¨ Remember latest connected device
β¨ Auto switching layout via current using app on Windows/macOS/Linux (desktop app WIP)
β¨ Output Locking Mode: For demonstration purpose or layout check
β¨ Caffeinated Mode: Keeps keyboard awake
β¨ Screen Inverted Mode: Manually turn on to reduce OLED burn-in issue
β¨ Able to turn off the screen manually, and use LED to show keyboard state
β¨ Support for Rotary Extension Board v1 (hot-swapping)
β¨ Screen sleep feature will turn on after idling for 5 minutes
β¨ Tap-Toggle Fn key support
π§ New combined config file
π§ Extend idle deep sleep trigger to 30 minutes
π§ Relicence to GPL-v3
π Minor bugs fix
β¨ Add web server mode and built-in web UI for updating configurations
β¨ Multi-BLE connections support
β¨ Improve battery percentage calculation
β¨ New OLED screen UI
β¨ Saves layout config to EEPROM
π§ Improve performance and increase stability
π Minor bugs fix