This is an awesome module, It allows the Administration redirect the Customer to the particular page after Logging in successfully.
##Features of this extension:
- Redirect Customer to the particular page after Logging in successfully
- Apply to multi websites
- Update the landing page and redirect Customer to this page after Logging in successfully
##Introduction installation:
###1 - Installation Magento 2 Redirect Customer
Install Redirect Customer for Magento2
- Download the extension
- Unzip the file
- Create a folder {Magento root}/app/code/PHPCuong/RedirectCustomer
- Copy the content from the unzip folder
#####Using Composer
composer require phpcuong/magento2-redirect-customer
###2 - Enable Extension
- php bin/magento module:enable PHPCuong_RedirectCustomer
- php bin/magento setup:upgrade
- php bin/magento setup:static-content:deploy
###3 - Settings Log into your Magento Admin Panel, goto Stores -> Configuration -> Customers -> Customer Configuration
Expand the Login Options section. Then, do the following:
- To activate redirect Customer, set Redirect Customer to Account Dashboard after Logging in to “No.”
- Type URL valid into the field Redirect Customer to the particular page after Logging in successful
When complete, tap Save Config.
###4 - Clear all the cache
- php bin/magento cache:clean
###5 - Test and see results
##Video how to install and use this extension