AnyMessage lets anybody send and receive messages across a number of providers in a single, convenient, web interface. It is open source and free to use. A hosted version is available at Support services and custom licenses are available for both hosted and self-hosted customers.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes. See deployment for notes on how to deploy the project on a live system.
If you're developing a local copy, it is recommend that you build the app using the included Dockerfile
s. For convenience, a docker-compose.yml
has been included in this repository. It is not guaranteed to work for all configurations and is not recommended for use in production.
- Create a
file in this repository's root with the following values ([]
are placeholders only)
AUTH0_CLIENTID=[get this from auth0]
AUTH0_DOMAIN=[get this from auth0]
POSTGRES_USER=[user name]
POSTGRES_PASSWORD=[example password]
POSTGRES_DATABASE=[database name]
Set up your local hosts file or DNS provider to point
(or whatever IP you're running the app on)- If your hostfile and/or dns provider does not support wildcard domains, you'll need to specify the subdomain for each team url you wish to support/test
If you have not already, configure your Auth0 settings to allow connections from
. -
: -
docker-sync-stack start
from the repository's root.
Tests can be run by running npm run test
in the relevant subdirectories or using the Jest launch configurations in .vscode/launch.json
They can also be run via their associated Dockerfiles. More info in the test README
Backend tests are written vertically - focused on integration of components rather than unit tests. Unit tests are welcome but should be reserved for helper/utility functions. Controller and model tests should focus on an endpoint's ability to:
- handle various input cases
- handle expected data from a mocked database
- handle unexpected errors in the underlying model or dependencies
Each subdirectory has its own linting rules. They are specified via tslint.json
(in api
) and .eslintrc.json
(in ui
). It is recommended that you set up your editor to lint automatically. In the future, we'll have CI rules to prevent contributions that break these rules.
You can deploy using the included docker-compose.yml
file or create a custom configuration on any hosted container service. If you're not making any changes, it is recommended that you use the pre-built docker-containers:
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up
AnyMessage works anywhere docker containers are supported. If you need help with deployment, feel free to reach out! Deployment examples can be found in the /docs
(and on
- Next.js on the frontend
- Express on the backend
- TypeScript on the backend
- PostgreSQL for the database
- Sqitch for the migrations
Anybody can make a pull request! The code you contribute is yours to own, reuse and sell separately. Note that, since AnyMessage offers a hosted service, your code may be used by free ("Self-hosted") users as well as paying users on
For more info see section "2.2 Contributor Grant" of
We use SemVer for versioning. For the versions available, see the tags on this repository.
- Daniel Eric Sandoval -
See also the list of contributors who participated in this project.
AnyMessage is distributed under the Common Public Attribution License Version 1.0 (CPAL) and is also available under alternative licenses negotiated directly with If you obtained AnyMessage under the CPAL, then the CPAL applies to all running versions of AnyMessage on your local computer or network distribution. The CPAL is included in this source tree in the file
TL;DR: AnyMessage is free to self-host but you're not allowed to resell it.
This software also includes various components that are not part of AnyMessage itself; these components are specified in package.json
and docker-compose
files and are distributed in accordance with their individual licensing terms.
Daniel Eric Sandoval holds copyright and/or sufficient licenses to all components of the AnyMessage software, and therefore can grant, at his sole discretion, the ability for companies, individuals, or organizations to create proprietary or Open Source (even if not CPAL) extensions and contributions.
If you wish to use contributions you have made to this code in your own Open Source or Commercial software, you are free to do so under the CPAL.
The 'AnyMessage' name and logos are owned by Daniel E. Sandoval. If you wish to use these trademarks for purposes other than for the purpose of identifying the source of this code, please contact [email protected] directly.