DSC Resources for AWS EC2 Instances
Language | Release Version | Release Date | Bartender Version |
Authors: Adrian.Andersson
Company: Domain Group
Latest Release Notes: here
How to install:
install-module domainAwsDSCResources
Local DSC create/Execute (Not push/pull)
Assumes directory and execution location is already done
Assumes your EC2 instances have sufficient permissions to self-tag
# Set the DSC Configuration
configuration myEc2Configuration
Import-DscResource -ModuleName domainAwsDSCResources
Node 'localhost'
dmAwsTimeSync timeZone
Ensure = 'Present'
timeZoneName = $timeZoneName
dmAwsTagInstance applyTags
Name = 'applyTags'
Ensure = 'Present'
InstanceId = $instanceId
instanceTags = $instanceTags
#Set the tags with a hashtable
$tags = @{
name = $($env:computername)
environment = 'myEnvironment'
#Splat dsc hashtable
$dscSplat = @{
instanceTags = $tags
instanceId = $(Invoke-RestMethod #Get the instanceId from the metadata uri
timeZoneName = 'AUS Eastern Standard Time'
#Create DSC MOF
myEc2Configuration @dscSplat
#Execute DSC MOF
start-dscConfiguration myEc2Configuration -verbose -wait -force
#Get the date twice to ensure the computer actually changes timezones
#The first one seems to trigger the change, the second is to confirm the change
Some AWS DSC Resources for managing AWS Windows EC2 Instances.
These are an open-source copy from our internal DSC resources
Add tags to an EC2 instance
Set the AWS TimeSync server as the NTP server
May need to run get-date to ensure timezone changes took effect