Docverter is a document conversion server with an HTTP interface. It wraps the following open-source software in a JRuby app:
- Pandoc for plain text to HTML and ePub conversion
- Flying Saucer for HTML to PDF
- Calibre for ePub to MOBI conversion
Installing on Heroku is the easiest option. Simply clone the repo, create an app, and push:
$ git clone
$ cd docverter
$ heroku create --buildpack
$ heroku config:add PATH=bin:/app/bin:/app/jruby/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/app/calibre/bin
$ heroku config:add LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/app/calibre/lib
$ git push heroku master
If you'd like to install locally, first ensure that Jruby, Pandoc and Calibre are installed and available. Then (for Ubuntu):
$ jruby -S gem install foreman
$ git clone
$ cd docverter
$ sudo foreman export upstart /etc/init -u <some app user> -a docverter -l /var/log/docverter
$ sudo service docverter start
Other distributions will be similar. See the documentation for Foreman for more export options.
For a development server, try:
$ rvm install jruby-1.7.4
$ bundle install
$ gem install foreman
$ foreman start
See doc/
and Docverter Ruby for usage documentation.
See doc/examples/php/markdown_to_pdf.php
for usage documentation.