This pipeline inspired by and based on the ENCODE ATAC-seq processubg pipeline and the prototype ATAC-seq pipeline developed by Anshul Kundaje's lab at Stanford University
- Install Nextflow
- Clone repository
- using nextflow:
nextflow clone DoaneAS/atacflow ./
- or using git:
git clone
- using nextflow:
- Install conda dependencies:
conda update conda conda env create --file requirements.atacFlow.yml conda env create --file deep.yml
- ATAC-seq reads go in
- Concatenate read pairs per sample
parallel -j8 './bin/ {}' ::: data/Sample*
- Concatenate read pairs per sample
- Create sample index:
python bin/
nextflow run -with-trace -with-dag flow.html --index sampleIndex.csv --genome hg38
- supported genomes on panda WCM cluster: hg38, mm10