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Aaron Schachter edited this page Mar 31, 2016 · 25 revisions

DoSomething iOS is a hybrid React Native app, using a combination of both native code (views rendered from xib files) and React Native components. Looking for Android?


  1. Install React Native
  2. Run pod install to create Lets Do This.xcworkspace.
  3. Add the following files to the project, which are untracked in our repo:
    • Lets Do This/keys.plist
    • Lets Do This/environment.plist
    • Lets Do This/Resources/Fonts/Brandon_bld.otf
    • Lets Do This/Resources/Fonts/Brandon_med.otf



  • AFNetworking - Used by native DSOAPI class
  • Crashlytics - Logs crashes, non-fatal errors
  • Fabric - For internal staff distribution of test builds
  • GoogleAnalytics
  • NewRelicAgent
  • NSString+RemoveEmoji - Checks if a NSString contains emojii, which we want to filter from a user's name or email, and from Reportback Captions until supported
  • Parse - Used for push notifications. We currently implement push notifications by manually sending within Parse, that simply launch the app upon opening
  • SDWebImage - Used by native code for requesting and caching network images
  • SSKeychain - Used by DSOAPI and DSOUserManager for easy Keychain methods
  • SVProgressHUD - Displays Loading indicator when waiting for a network request to complete, blocks user from submitting multiple times or navigating to a different view while waiting for response
  • TSMessages - Our own DS fork of the TSMessages Cocoapod, used by native networking request completion handlers and native form validation
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