A digitzed list of Hittite names contained in cuneiform texts and in hieroglyphic seal inscriptions (Beta Version)
The database deals with two important socio-historical tools which are intertwined: onomastics and prosopography. Onomastics deals with the structure and origin of names, while prosopography is engaged with the study of information on a group of persons classified according to various criteria, such as profession, kinship etc. The archives of the Hittite Empire, which spanned most of Asia Minor and the territories of northern Syria during the 13th century BCE, contain a rich collection of names of dignitaries and state officials. The purpose of these raw data lists is the computerization of the data contained in cuneiform texts and in hieroglyphic seal inscriptions. A future online platform currently under development will enable to reconstruct the prosopographic profiles of the main dignitaries and officials active in the administration of the Hittite kingdom. Besides this major thrust, this database may also illuminate other aspects of Hittite culture, e.g., the growing Luwian influence at the end of this period, the unfolding changes in the Hittite administration of Syria, and more. It should be underlined that such a comprehensive prosopography of the Hittite kingdom has not been done as yet.
An onomasticon of each name based on previously established corpora. Namely, the published onomastica of Hittite sources were scanned and entered into the database in picture format under each entry: 1) the seminal work of Emmanuel Laroche, Les noms des Hittites (Paris 1966) and its 1981 update; 2) the updates of Tischler (1982) and Beckman (1983); 3) the latest update of M.-C. Trémouille, Répertoire onomastique, published on the website of the Mainz Academy (www.hethiter.net), which adds the names from texts found between 1983 and 2006. Names found in texts published after 2006 were extracted from the concordances of the recently published volumes of the ongoing series of Hittite texts from Hattuša: Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköy (KBo). In the next stage we began to feed the name entries found in all these secondary sources into the database. Up till now scanned published records pertaining to over 50% of the names in the Hittite corpus are collected in the database, and this part of the work is ongoing (see also 'summary' below). Hittite texts documenting the names of title holders originate from several archives excavated in Anatolia and northern Syria. The majority come from the various Hattuša archives: buildings A, B, D, E and K on the Acropolis (Büyükkale), the storage rooms around Temple 1, the "House on the Slope" in the Lower City, Nisantepe, and the temples in the Upper City. Apart from these archives from the capital, 13th century names of officials also appear in texts from other Hittite cities, such as Kusakli-Sarissa in eastern Anatolia, and Carchemish, Ugarit or Emar in northern Syria. A few Hittite names also appear in foreign sources, Assyrian, Babylonian and Egyptian, with whom the Hittites maintained diplomatic relations (see Pruzsinszky 2003; Malbran-Labat 2004; Saporetti 1970, 1979; Schneider 1992).
This section of the database is made up of scanned Hittite glyptic sources, i.e. the published seals and seal impressions, of local vassal kings, princes, dignitaries and various court, temple and army officials. They will be made available in the future via a IIIF server. Seal owners frequently inscribed their seals with name, title and / or profession, sometimes accompanied by an iconographic scene. Building on the fruits of a previous research on Hittite glyptics (also funded by the ISF), a large amount of published material has been scanned and computerized. It includes mainly sealed bullae used to seal wooden dockets (diptych), boxes, bags and other storing vessels. The hundreds of names on bullae uncovered in the largest official archive of Nisantepe have all been fed into the database search engine. The Nisantepe bullae represent more than half of all the Hittite glyptic material. This database will eventually include all the following published glyptic materials: (1) Stratified sealed bullae and sealings from administrative archives in Bogazköy-Hattuša (Büyükkale, Building D: Güterbock 1942; Temple 1: Güterbock 1975, Boehmer/Güterbock 1987; Nisantepe, Westbau: Herbordt 2005; Upper-City Temples: not yet published, see various articles by A. M. Dinçol 1993, 2001; B. Dinçol 1998a,1998b, 2001; Dinçol/Dinçol 2003); (2) Stratified non-archived material from Hittite peripheral centres in Anatolia, such as Kusakli-Sarissa (Müller-Karpe 1995:16f. Abb. 12–13, 1997:108, 110 Fig. 8, 1998:102–106 Figs. 7–9, 1999:62f. Fig. 6a-b, 2001:227f. Fig. 3), Tarsus in Cilicia (Gelb 1956), Korucutepe in Išuwa (Güterbock 1973, 1980; Ertem 1988:5–11) and Kaman Kalehöyük (Yoshida 1999, 2006); (3) Seal impressions of Hittite officials in the provinces of northern Syria, notably Ras Shamra-Ugarit (Laroche 1956) and Meskene-Emar (Laroche 1981, 1983; Gonnet 1991; Singer 2000; Beyer 2001); (4) Finally, scattered seals and impressions originating from outside the confines of the Hittite Empire, such as Thebes in Greece (Porada 1981/82:46–49 no. 25; Güterbock 1981/82) and Tell el-FarNah in Israel (Singer 2006:738f.). There are also many unprovenanced seals in various museums and private collections in Turkey and around the world: e.g., Dinçol/Dinçol 2001; Mora 1987, 1990a; Beckman 1998, 2004; Poetto 1980, 2007.
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- Shai Gordin
Beckman, G.
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Beyer, D. 2001 Emar IV. Les sceaux, (OBO Series archaeologica 20). Fribourg.
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