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Supporting middleware for NIMS (Notion Incident Management System)

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NIMS (Notion Incident Management System) Webhook

This is an all-in-one binary that will catch detections sent via webhook to /hooks/alert:9000 and create alerts in your NIMS alerts database.

To build

Install Go

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install golang-go

Build the binary

cd nims-webhook
go mod init nims-webhook
go mod tidy
go build nims-webhook.go

To run

Either build the binary (steps above) if you wish to make modifications, or download it from the releases page and run it.

First, replace Notion auth token and database IDs with yours in .env.

You can generate and configure your auth token by following the steps in

This binary will purge alerts not associated with an incident and older than NOTION_ALERT_AGE (in days) automatically if AUTO_PURGE_ALERTS is set to true.


Run the binary

chmod +x nims-webhook


The following fields are currently utilized:

  • routing.hostname - the hostname of the affected host
  • routing.int_ip - the internal IP address of the affected host
  • routing.event_time - the timestamp of the detection event
  • detect - the full event details captured during detection
  • detect_mtd - metadata associated with the detection
  • link - the URL linking directly to the alert within LimaCharlie
  • cat - the name or category of the alert

To customize these fields or replace them with others from your JSON objects, you can edit the nims-webhook.go file, specifically in the webhookHandler function.

Similarly, if you wish to modify fields in your Notion template and integrate those changes into the script, updates can be applied in both the webhookHandler and addAlert functions.

Example request

curl -X POST \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
-d '{
  "author": "_soteria-rules-edr-123abc45-678d-901e-fghi-234567jklmno[bulk][segment]",
  "cat": "00456-WIN-mshta_Network_Connection_to_External_IP",
  "detect": {
    "event": {
      "COMMAND_LINE": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\mshta.exe",
      "CREATION_TIME": 1736019135814,
      "FILE_IS_SIGNED": 1,
      "FILE_PATH": "C:\\Windows\\System32\\mshta.exe",
      "HASH": "a1234567b89cd012ef34gh567ijklmn8901234567abcdef890123456789abcdef",
          "DESTINATION": {
            "IP_ADDRESS": "",
            "PORT": 443
          "IS_OUTGOING": 1,
          "PROTOCOL": "tcp4",
          "SOURCE": {
            "IP_ADDRESS": "",
            "PORT": 60432
          "STATE": 8,
          "TIMESTAMP": 1736019210633
      "PARENT_PROCESS_ID": 1052,
      "PROCESS_ID": 2032,
      "USER_NAME": "CORP\\AdminUser"
    "routing": {
      "arch": 2,
      "did": "",
      "event_id": "4a3b2c1d-e5f6-47g8-h9ij-k123lmnopq45",
      "event_time": 1736019224486,
      "event_type": "NETWORK_CONNECTIONS",
      "ext_ip": "",
      "hostname": "corporate-webserver.corp.internal",
      "iid": "f12g34h5-i6jk-78lm-90no-pq12rstuv345",
      "int_ip": "",
      "moduleid": 3,
      "oid": "5678abcd-910e-11fg-hijk-123456lmnopq",
      "parent": "abcd1234ef567gh8910ijklm234nopqr",
      "plat": 268435456,
      "sid": "789abcd1-2345-6789-0efg-hijklm123nop",
      "tags": [
      "this": "123abc456def789ghi012jkl345mnop678"
  "detect_id": "abcdef12-3456-789a-0bc1-defghijklmno",
  "detect_mtd": {
    "description": "MSHTA is a legitimate tool used to execute HTML applications. It can be abused by attackers to download and execute malicious scripts. This detector identifies mshta.exe making external network connections, which is indicative of potential malicious activity.",
    "falsepositives": [
      "Legitimate administrative use of mshta.exe in secure environments."
    "references": [
    "tags": [
  "gen_time": 1736019224489,
  "link": "",
  "namespace": "general",
  "priority": 2,
  "routing": {
    "arch": 2,
    "did": "",
    "event_id": "4a3b2c1d-e5f6-47g8-h9ij-k123lmnopq45",
    "event_time": 1736019224486,
    "event_type": "NETWORK_CONNECTIONS",
    "ext_ip": "",
    "hostname": "corporate-webserver.corp.internal",
    "iid": "f12g34h5-i6jk-78lm-90no-pq12rstuv345",
    "int_ip": "",
    "moduleid": 3,
    "oid": "5678abcd-910e-11fg-hijk-123456lmnopq",
    "parent": "abcd1234ef567gh8910ijklm234nopqr",
    "plat": 268435456,
    "sid": "789abcd1-2345-6789-0efg-hijklm123nop",
    "tags": [
    "this": "123abc456def789ghi012jkl345mnop678"
  "source": "5678abcd-910e-11fg-hijk-123456lmnopq.f12g34h5-i6jk-78lm-90no-pq12rstuv345.789abcd1-2345-6789-0efg-hijklm123nop.10000000.3",
  "source_rule": "service.WIN-mshta_Network_Connection_to_External_IP",
  "ts": 1736019224000