As a university student it's very annoying to interrupt the lecture to ask a question. And if the question is not good, it ends up disturbing the whole class and embarrassing for the student. This is why I made this project. It allows students to ask questions in real time without interrupting the lecture. Also provides a live transcript of the lecture so that nothing is missed. This tool can later be used to generate notes and study material.
- Ask questions about your lecture in real time
- Get your doubts solved without interrupting your lecture
- Get a live transcript of your lecture
First, get the environment variables from the .env.example
file and create a .env
file with the same variables. Then, run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/dhravya/chat-with-lecture.git
bun install
bun run dev
This is not a complete project, just a technical demonstration of what Embedchain can do, and how easily it can be integrated into your project.
Contributions welcome.
Planned features:
- "New lecture" button to start a new lecture
- Store the chat and transcript in a database
- Generate notes and study material from the transcript
This project is licensed under the MIT license
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