An online doctor booking system has been worked on in this repository. Users can make appointment bookings by registering or logging in and see their appointment details by going to my appointment. Users can pay booking fees through the Stripe payment gateway by clicking the pay button and showing the paid status if payment is successful. Appointment details can be seen on the admin dashboard and the admin can update the booking status user's booking status Visited or Not Visited.
- React JS
- React Hooks
- Event Handlers
- Arrow Functions
- Axios RESTful API
- React Router
- React Router Dom
- React Private Route
- React Admin Route
- React Child Routes
- React Lists and Keys
- React Alert
- Firebase
- Firebase Authentication
- Google Authentication
- Stripe Payment Gateway
- Node JS
- Express JS
- Express Middleware
- Express CORS
- Nodemon
- MongoDB
- MongoDB Atlas
- Firebase Verify Token
- JWT Token
- Font Awesome
- Google Fonts
- CSS3
- Bootstrap5
- Material UI
- Netlify (Frontend Part)
- Vercel (Backend Part)
- Email: [email protected]
- Password: 123456
- Home
- Appointment
- My Appointment
- Order
- Dashboard
- Dashboard Users
- Dashboard Services
- Dashboard Doctor's
- Dashboard Contact
- Login
- Register
- User Profile
- Error 404