This lib is for accelerating general computer vision algorithms, and fined-tuned.
- Windows
- Linux(Coming)
Now, it fits for Windows only, but it's easy to port to supporting Linux. My new toy jetson tx2 just didn't work, back to distributor now, I have to wait for a while.
- Cmake 3.10+
- OpenCV 3.x(it doesn't need to compile, just download it and extract to folder
C:\Program Files\opencv
- CUDA SDK(8.0 or later)
- VS 2015 or later Tips: Your video card should be capable of compute capability 2.1 at least.
# get the repo, and make sure those dependencies is installed.
git clone
# configure
mkdir build && cd build
cmake -G "Visual Studio 14 Win64 ..
# build, a dll and lib files will be generated at build\Release
msbuild /t:rebuild /p:Configuration=Release /p:Platform=x64 accel_vision.sln
Copy that folder named include to your project folder, as well as the dll and lib files you just compiled.
#include "include\cuda_color_converter.h"
using namespace std;
using namespace cv;
#prgram comment(lib,"accel_vision.lib")
int main(void)
string path = "2028.jpg";
Mat img = imread(path), result;
cudaGray(img, result); // gray this image
string title = "CUDA";
imshow(title, result);
return 0;
API Name | Description |
cudaThreshold | threshold a image |
cudaGray | RGB to gray |
cudaHSV | RGB color to HSV |
cudaSplit | split a 3-ch image into 1-ch image |
cudaMerge | merge three 1-ch images as 3-ch image |
cudaErode | erode image |
cudaDilation | dilate image |
cudaLUT | look up table |
cudaGaussianBlut | blur image by gaussian kernel |
cudaLalace | laplace operator to extract edges |
cudaSobel | sobel operator to extract edges |
cudaHistogram | histogram for a image |
cudaEqualizeHist | equalize a image |
cudaADD/OR/Sqrt | some mathematical operations |
cudaAdjust | adjust image intensity values or colormap |
cudaGammaCorrection | increases or decreases gamma value of input image |
cudaSum | the sum of all pixels/single image |
cudaMean | the mean value of all pixels/single image |
cudaGaussianBackProjection | gaussian back projection, try test/images/2048_RGB.jpg as input, model.jpg as model |
updating | --- |
I just test these api on my laptop(Thinkpad T420), which equips with CPU I5-2520M video card Nvidia NVS 4200M, that has only 1 SM, 48 CUDA cores, compute capability 2.1.
The size of testing image is 2048 * 2048. BTW, time cost only means the kernel executing time on gpu device, excluding data copying time on operations host-to-device and device-to-host.
API Name | Time Cost |
cudaGray | 1.85ms(RGB to gray) |
cudaHSV | 5.67ms(RGB to HSV) |
cudaGaussianBlur | 3.81ms(5*5 kernel size, single channel) |
More details see the excel.