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kantig - create low-poly images

Create low-poly images in your command line. This program has a variety of options and allows the use of stdin/stdout for tons of scripting potential.



You can either download a prebuilt binary for your platform on the releases page or build the binary yourself. To build this program, install rust first. Then, clone this project and run cargo build --release. The final binary will be in target/release/kantig and can be moved into your binary folder. Alternatively you can install the binary directly with:

cargo install --git


Calling kantig is as easy as kantig -o output.png input.png. By omitting the input or output file you can instruct kantig to use stdin/stdout. An example would be curl | kantig | display -. You can also tweak the quality using the different command line options listed below.


To access the documentation either just open the code or run cargo doc --open.

How does it work?

kantig works by applying an edge detection algorithm to the image. It picks the points which were detected as edges, takes a random sample containing a certain amonut of points that you can specify, removes points too close to each other, uses the delaunay triangulation to produce a mesh of triangles and draws the triangles onto a new image.

Command line options

When in the command line you can run kantig --help to get the same listing.

Option Default Description
-o/--output - The output filename. kantig tries to auto-detect the output format from the filename (this can be overwritten with --output-format). If not present stdout will be used.
--output-format png The format of the produced image. This has to be the name of the file extension of a format supported by the image crate. Examples are png, jpg and bmp.
--points-min-distance 4 Enforce points used for triangulation to have a distance of X pixels to each other or more
--rng-seed nothing The seed for the RNG. This can be a number between 0 and 2^16-1 inclusive
--canny-lower 10.0 The lower bound for the image detection algorithm
--canny-upper 15.0 The upper bound for the image detection algorithm
--color-mapper nothing A shell program to change the polygon colors used by kantig. This feature is in its alpha state, for now look it up in the documentation. This will change in the future. See the file for an example.

Specifying the number of points

There are three ways of specifying how many points kantig uses for the triangulation. Those are mutually exclusive. Note that the removal of close points happens after this, so you might end up with less points than you specified.

Option Description
--points Use an absolute number of points
--points-relative Use a number of edge points relative to the number of edge points found. 0.0 means no points are used and 1.0 means all points are used
--points-pixel-relative Use a number of edge points relative to the number of pixels in the image

These options exist to allow kantig to work with images of different sizes more seamlessly. By default kantig assumes --points-relative 0.04.


Rust CLI program to create low-poly images







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