This repo has been abandoned as the functionality has been merged into Codex
Delphi add-in that provides functionality specific to macOS and iOS development
Support for Delphi 10.3.x Rio and Delphi 10.4 Sydney
Requires the macOS companion app for some of the functions. The full version of the Mosco macOS app is yet to be released, however the add-in also works with the MonkeyBuilder edition of the app, which can be found here:
MonkeyBuilder downloads
A temporary location for the MonkeyBuilder edition of the Mosco macOS app installer is here
Basic help for the Mosco macOS app is here.
Please find installers in the bin folder.
The expert adds items to the Tools menu:
..and to the Project Manager context menu i.e. the one that appears when you right-click a project in the Project Manager:
Click Mosco Options to configure the address/port for the macOS app, and for error logging
Allows you to add available frameworks to the selected SDK. The following dialog is presented:
Select the desired SDK that you wish to import frameworks for, then select the desired frameworks, and click Add.
The SDK Manager in the IDE Options is then presented. Click Update Local File Cache and click Save to complete the import
Opens Finder on the Mac, and shows the deployed app (if it has been deployed)
NOTE: The following instructions apply to Mosco Expert 1.0.0 Beta 10 or later, and Mosco App (for macOS) 1.0.2 Beta 9 or later
Updates the file in the deployment to Ad-Hoc or App Store.
This function has been created specifically to alleviate an issue with App Store submissions where a 1024 x 1024 icon is not included with the app
You will need to create a 1024 x 1024 image for use in the App Store and add it using Deployment Manager
To update the file:
- Deploy the app in App Store or Ad Hoc mode (using Project|Deploy), then
- Use the Update menu item so that Mosco updates the contained in the .ipa file on the Mac
The file is based upon the icon and launch images deployed with the app. For successful creation of, your deployment should contain at least one image of each of the following sizes:
- 40 x 40
- 58 x 58
- 60 x 60
- 80 x 80
- 87 x 87
- 120 x 120
- 152 x 152
- 167 x 167
- 180 x 180
- 1024 x 1024
The file inside the application IPA file on the Mac is automatically replaced by Mosco.
Instantly switches between connection profiles
Instantly switches between SDKs
v1.0.2 (August 15th, 2020)
- Initial full release - version number aligned with that of the companion macOS app