Python and arduino based service remote for LG devices (smart TV, beamer, etc.). Tested and developed on PH550g beamer.
What you need
- An Arduino card (
- A USB cable
- A 100 Ohm resistor
- An IR led emitter
- A PC with USB port
- Arduino software (
- Excellent IR remote library written by Ken Shirriff (
- Python 2.7 (
- Python menu version <3.0.3. Higher versions don't work. pip install MySQL_python==3.0.3 (
Wiring things
As described on Ken Shirriff's blog (, you need to connect one led leg through the resistor to pin 3 of the Arduino, and the other leg to Ground. Connect the Arduino to your PC using the USB cable.
Upload script to Arduino
Open the 'LG_service_remote.ino' file in your favorite Arduino IDE and save the project to your arduino folder (in Windows 'Documents/Arduino'). Create a folder 'libraries' in 'Documents/Arduino' and extract the IR remote files in a folder IRremote. Upload the script to the Arduino.
Starting Python control
Now turn on the LG device and direct the IR led towards the LG device. Launch the '' and set the correct COM port [e.g. 'COM1']. Now you can control the LG device using the python menu.
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